English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Addison.  Texts:  Works, in Bohn’s British Classics; Selections, in Athenaeum Press, etc.  Life:  by Lucy Aiken; by Courthope (English Men of Letters); by Johnson, in Lives of the Poets.  Criticism:  Essays, by Macaulay; by Thackeray.

Steele.  Texts:  Selections, edited by Carpenter in Athenaeum Press (Ginn and Company); various other Selections published by Putnam, Bangs, in Camelot Series, etc.; Plays, edited by Aitken, in Mermaid Series.  Life:  by Aitken; by A. Dobson (English Worthies Series).  Criticism:  Essays by Thackeray; by Dobson, in Eighteenth Century Vignettes.

Johnson.  Texts:  Works, edited by Walesby, 11 vols. (Oxford, 1825); the same, edited by G.B.  Hill, in Clarendon Press.  Essays, edited by G.B.  Hill (Dent); the same, in Camelot series; Rasselas, various school editions, by Ginn and Company, Holt, etc.; Selections from Lives of the Poets, with Macaulay’s Life of Johnson, edited by Matthew Arnold (Macmillan).  Life:  Boswell’s Life of Johnson, in Everyman’s Library, Temple Classics, Library of English Classics, etc.; by L. Stephen (English Men of Letters); by Grant.  Criticism:  G.B.  Hill’s Dr. Johnson, his Friends and Critics; Essays, by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library; by Macaulay, Birrell, etc.

Boswell.  Texts:  Life of Johnson, edited by G.B.  Hill (London, 1874); various other editions (see above).  Life:  by Fitzgerald (London, 1891); Roger’s Boswelliana (London, 1874).  Whitfield’s Some Eighteenth Century Men of Letters.

Burke.  Texts:  Works, 12 vols. (Boston, 1871); reprinted, 6 vols., in Bohn’s Library; Selected Works, edited by Payne, in Clarendon Press; On the Sublime and Beautiful, in Temple Classics.  For various speeches, see Selections for Reading, above.  Life:  by Prior; by Morley (English Men of Letters).  Criticism:  Essay, by Birrell, in Obiter Dicta.  See also Dowden’s French Revolution and English Literature, and Woodrow Wilson’s Mere Literature.

Gibbon.  Texts:  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, edited by Bury, 7 vols. (London, 1896-1900); various other editions; The Student’s Gibbon, abridged (Murray); Memoirs, edited by Emerson, in Athenaeum Press (Ginn and Company).  Life:  by Morison (English Men of Letters).  Criticism:  Essays, by Birrell, in Collected Essays and Res Judicatae; by Stephen, in Studies of a Biographer; by Robertson, in Pioneer Humanists; by Frederick Harrison, in Ruskin and Other Literary Estimates; by Bagehot, in Literary Studies; by Sainte-Beuve, in English Portraits.  See also Anton’s Masters in History.

Sheridan.  Texts:  Speeches, 5 vols. (London, 1816); Plays, edited by W.F.  Rae (London, 1902); the same, edited by R. Dircks, in Camelot Series; Major Dramas, in Athenaeum Press; Plays also in Morley’s Universal Library, Macmillan’s English Classics, etc.  Life:  by Rae; by M. Oliphant (English Men of Letters); by L. Sanders (Great Writers).

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English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.