English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

LITERATURE.  General Works.  The Cambridge Literature, Taine, Saintsbury, etc. Special Works.  Perry’s English Literature in the Eighteenth Century; L. Stephen’s English Literature in the Eighteenth Century; Seccombe’s The Age of Johnson; Dennis’s The Age of Pope; Gosse’s History of English Literature in the Eighteenth Century; Whitwell’s Some Eighteenth Century Men of Letters (Cowper, Sterne, Fielding, Goldsmith, Gray, Johnson, and Boswell); Johnson’s Eighteenth Century Letters and Letter Writers; Williams’s English Letters and Letter Writers of the Eighteenth Century; Minto’s Manual of English Prose Writers; Clark’s Study of English Prose Writers; Bourne’s English Newspapers; J.B.  Williams’s A History of English Journalism; L. Stephen’s History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century.

The Romantic Revival.  W.L.  Phelps’s The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement; Beers’s English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century.

The Novel.  Raleigh’s The English Novel; Simonds’s An Introduction to the Study of English Fiction; Cross’s The Development of the English Novel; Jusserand’s The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare; Stoddard’s The Evolution of the English Novel; Warren’s The History of the English Novel previous to the Seventeenth Century; Masson’s British Novelists and their Styles; S. Lanier’s The English Novel; Hamilton’s the Materials and Methods of Fiction; Perry’s A Study of Prose Fiction.

Pope.  Texts:  Works in Globe Edition, edited by A.W.  Ward; in Cambridge Poets, edited by H.W.  Boynton; Satires and Epistles, in Clarendon Press; Letters, in English Letters and Letter Writers of the Eighteenth Century, edited by H. Williams (Bell).  Life:  by Courthope; by L. Stephen (English Men of Letters Series); by Ward, in Globe Edition; by Johnson, in Lives of the Poets (Cassell’s National Library, etc.).  Criticism:  Essays, by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library; by Lowell, in My Study Windows; by De Quincey, in Biographical Essays, and in Essays on the Poets; by Thackeray, in English Humorists; by Sainte-Beuve, in English Portraits.  Warton’s Genius and Writings of Pope (interesting chiefly from the historical view point, as the first definite and extended attack on Pope’s writings).

Swift.  Texts:  Works, 19 vols., ed. by Walter Scott (Edinburgh, 1814- 1824); best edition of prose works is edited by T. Scott, with introduction by Lecky, 12 vols. (Bonn’s Library); Selections, edited by Winchester (Ginn and Company); also in Camelot Series, Carisbrooke Library, etc., Journal to Stella, (Dutton, also Putnam); Letters, in Eighteenth Century Letters and Letter Writers, ed. by T.B.  Johnson.  Life:  by L. Stephen (English Men of Letters); by Collins; by Craik; by J. Forster; by Macaulay; by Walter Scott; by Johnson, in Lives of the Poets.  Criticism:  Essays, by Thackeray, in English Humorists; by A. Dobson, in Eighteenth Century Vignettes; by Masson, in the Three Devils and Other Essays.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.