English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Goldsmith.  Deserted Village, in Standard English Classics, etc.; Vicar of Wakefield, in Standard English Classics, Everyman’s Library, King’s Classics, etc.; She Stoops to Conquer, in Pocket Classics, Belles Lettres Series, etc.

Cowper.  Selections, edited by Murray, in Athenaeum Press; Selections, in Cassell’s National Library, Canterbury Poets, etc.; The Task, in Temple Classics.

Burns.  Representative Poems, with Carlyle’s Essay on Burns, edited by C.L.  Hanson, in Standard English Classics; Selections, in Pocket Classics, Riverside Literature, etc.

Blake.  Poems, edited by W.B.  Yeats, in Muses’ Library; Selections, in Canterbury Poets, etc.

Minor Poets.  Thomson, Collins, Crabbe, etc.  Selections, in Manly’s English Poetry.  Thomson’s The Seasons, and Castle of Indolence, in Modern Classics; the same poems in Clarendon Press, and in Temple Classics; Selections from Thomson, in Cassell’s National Library.  Chatterton’s poems, in Canterbury Poets.  Macpherson’s Ossian, in Canterbury Poets.  Percy’s Reliques, in Everyman’s Library, Chandos Classics, Bohn’s Library, etc.  More recent and reliable collections of popular ballads, for school use, are Gummere’s Old English Ballads, in Athenaeum Press; The Ballad Book, edited by Allingham, in Goldern Treasury Series; Gayley and Flaherty’s Poetry of the People (Ginn and Company), etc.  See Bibliography on p. 64.

Defoe.  Robinson Crusoe, school edition, by Ginn and Company; the same in Pocket Classics, etc.; Journal of the Plague Year, edited by Hurlbut (Ginn and Company); the same, in Everyman’s Library, etc.; Essay on Projects, in Cassell’s National Library.

The Novelists.  Manly’s English Prose; Craik’s English Prose Selections, vol. 4; Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield (see above); Selected Essays of Fielding, edited by Gerould, in Athenaeum Press.


HISTORY. Text-book, Montgomery, pp. 280-322; Cheyney, pp. 516-574. General Works, Greene, ch. 9, sec. 7, to ch. 10, sec. 4; Traill, Gardiner, Macaulay, etc. Special Works, Lecky’s History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vols. 1-3; Morris’s The Age of Queen Anne and the Early Hanoverians (Epochs of Modern History); Seeley’s The Expansion of England; Macaulay’s Clive, and Chatham; Thackeray’s The Four Georges, and the English Humorists; Ashton’s Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne; Susan Hale’s Men and Manners of the Eighteenth Century; Sydney’s England and the English in the Eighteenth Century.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.