English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

(3) The First English Novelists; the meaning and history of the modern novel; the life and work of Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe, who is hardly to be called a novelist, but whom we placed among the pioneers; and the novels of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, and Goldsmith.

SELECTIONS FOR READING.  Manly’s English Poetry and Manly’s English Prose (Ginn and Company) are two excellent volumes containing selections from all authors studied.  Ward’s English Poets (4 vols.), Craik’s English Prose Selections (5 vols.), and Garnett’s English Prose from Elizabeth to Victoria are useful for supplementary reading.  All important works should be read entire, in one of the following inexpensive editions, published for school use. (For titles and publishers, see General Bibliography at end of this book.)

Pope.  Rape of the Lock and Other Poems, edited by Parrott, in Standard English Classics.  Various other school editions of the Essay on Man, and Rape of the Lock, in Riverside Literature Series, Pocket Classics, etc.; Pope’s Iliad, I, VI, XXII, XXIV, in Standard English Classics, etc.  Selections from Pope, edited by Reed, in Holt’s English Readings.

Swift.  Gulliver’s Travels, school edition by Ginn and Company; also in Temple Classics, etc.  Selections from Swift, edited by Winchester, in Athenaeum Press (announced); the same, edited by Craik, in Clarendon Press; the same, edited by Prescott, in Holt’s English Readings.  Battle of the Books, in King’s Classics, Bohn’s Library, etc.

Addison and Steele.  Sir Roger de Coverley Papers, in Standard English Classics, Riverside Literature, etc.; Selections from Addison, edited by Wendell and Greenough, and Selections from Steele, edited by Carpenter, both in Athenaeum Press; various other selections, in Golden Treasury Series, Camelot Series, Holt’s English Readings, etc.

Johnson.  Lives of the Poets, in Cassell’s National Library; Selected Essays, edited by G.B.  Hill (Dent); Selections, in Little Masterpieces Series; Rasselas, in Holt’s English Readings, and in Morley’s Universal Library.

Boswell.  Life of Johnson (2 vols.), in Everyman’s Library; the same (3 vols.), in Library of English Classics; also in Temple Classics, and Bohn’s Library.

Burke.  American Taxation, Conciliation with America, Letter to a Noble Lord, in Standard English Classics; various speeches, in Pocket Classics, Riverside Literature Series, etc.; Selections, edited by B. Perry (Holt); Speeches on America (Heath, etc.).

Gibbon.  The Student’s Gibbon, abridged (Murray); Memoirs, edited by Emerson, in Athenaeum Press.

Gray.  Selections, edited by W.L.  Phelps, in Athenaeum Press; Selections from Gray and Cowper, in Canterbury Poets, Riverside Literature, etc.; Gray’s Elegy, in Selections from Five English Poets (Ginn and Company).

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.