English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

LITERATURE.  Saintsbury’s History of Elizabethan Literature; Whipple’s Literature of the Age of Elizabeth; S. Lee’s Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century; Schilling’s Elizabethan Lyrics, in Athenaeum Press Series; Vernon Lee’s Euphorion.

Spenser.  Texts, Cambridge, Globe, and Aldine editions; Noel’s Selected Poems of Spenser, in Canterbury Poets; Minor Poems, in Temple Classics; Arber’s Spenser Anthology; Church’s Life of Spenser, in English Men of Letters Series; Lowell’s Essay, in Among My Books, or in Literary Essays, vol. 4; Hazlitt’s Chaucer and Spenser, in Lectures on the English Poets; Dowden’s Essay, in Transcripts and Studies.

The Drama.  Texts, Manly’s Specimens of the Pre-Shakesperean Drama, 2 vols., in Athenaeum Press Series; Pollard’s English Miracle Plays, Moralities and Interludes; the Temple Dramatists; Morley’s Universal Library; Arber’s English Reprints; Mermaid Series, etc.; Thayer’s The Best Elizabethan Plays.

Gayley’s Plays of Our Forefathers (Miracles, Moralities, etc.); Bates’s The
English Religious Drama; Schelling’s The English Chronicle Play; Lowell’s
Old English Dramatists; Boas’s Shakespeare and his Predecessors; Symonds’s
Shakespeare’s Predecessors in the English Drama; Schelling’s Elizabethan
Drama; Lamb’s Specimens of English Dramatic Poets; Introduction to Hudson’s
Shakespeare:  His Life, Art, and Characters; Ward’s History of English
Dramatic Literature; Dekker’s The Gull’s Hornbook, in King’s Classics.

Marlowe.  Works, edited by Bullen; chief plays in Temple Dramatists, Mermaid Series of English Dramatists, Morley’s Universal Library, etc.; Lowell’s Old English Dramatists; Symonds’s introduction, in Mermaid Series; Dowden’s Essay, in Transcripts and Studies.

Shakespeare.  Good texts are numerous.  Furness’s Variorum edition is at present most useful for advanced work.  Hudson’s revised edition, each play in a single volume, with notes and introductions, will, when complete, be one of the very best for students’ use.

Raleigh’s Shakespeare, in English Men of Letters Series; Lee’s Life of Shakespeare; Hudson’s Shakespeare:  his Life, Art, and Characters; Halliwell-Phillipps’s Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare; Fleay’s Chronicle History of the Life and Work of Shakespeare; Dowden’s Shakespeare, a Critical Study of his Mind and Art; Shakespeare Primer (same author); Baker’s The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist; Lounsbury’s Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist; The Text of Shakespeare (same author); Wendell’s William Shakespeare; Bradley’s Shakesperian Tragedy; Hazlitt’s Shakespeare and Milton, in Lectures on the English Poets; Emerson’s Essay, Shakespeare or the Poet; Lowell’s Essay, in Among My Books; Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare; Mrs. Jameson’s Shakespeare’s Female Characters (called also Characteristics of Women); Rolfe’s Shakespeare the Boy; Brandes’s William Shakespeare; Moulton’s Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist; Mabie’s William Shakespeare, Poet, Dramatist, and Man; The Shakespeare Apocrypha, edited by C. F. T. Brooke; Shakespeare’s Holinshed, edited by Stone; Shakespeare Lexicon, by Schmidt; Concordance, by Bartlett; Grammar, by Abbott, or by Franz.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.