Your La: ever
[* “This lady was Anne, the fifth daughter of Sir John Spencer, distinguished also, in the pastoral of Colin Clouts come Home again, by the name of Charillis. She was married, first to Sir William Stanley, Lord Mountegle; next to Henry Compton, Lord Compton; and lastly to Robert Sackvilie, Lord Buckhurst, afterwards Earl of Dorset.”—TODD.]
* * * * *
It was the month in which the righteous Maide
That for disdaine of sinfull worlds upbraide
Fled back to heaven, whence she was first conceived,
Into her silver bowre the Sunne received;
And the hot Syrian Dog on him awayting,
After the chafed Lyons cruell bayting,
Corrupted had th’ayre with his noysome breath.
And powr’d on th’earth plague, pestilence,
and death.
Emongst the rest a wicked maladie
Raign’d emongst men, that manie did to die,
Depriv’d of sense and ordinarie reason;
That it to leaches seemed strange and geason.
[Geason, rare.]
My fortune was, mongst manie others moe,
To be partaker of their common woe;
And my weake bodie, set on fire with griefe,
Was rob’d of rest and naturall reliefe.
In this ill plight, there came to visite mee
Some friends, who, sorie my sad case to see,
Began to comfort me in chearfull wise,
And meanes of gladsome solace to devise.
But seeing kindly sleep refuse to doe
His office, and my feeble eyes forgoe,
They sought my troubled sense how to deceave
With talke that might unquiet fancies reave;
[Reave, take
And sitting all in seates about me round,
With pleasant tales fit for that idle stound
[Stound, time.]
They cast in course to waste the wearie howres.
Some tolde of ladies, and their paramoures;
Some of brave knights, and their renowned squires;
Some of the faeries and their strange attires;
And some of giaunts hard to be beleeved;
That the delight thereof me much releeved.
Amongst the rest a good old woman was,