The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5.

The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 288 pages of information about The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5.
Quis tibi litterulas, quis carmen amore petulcum! 
Musa sub Oebalij desueta cacumine mentis,
Flebit inexhausto tarn longa silentia planctu,
Lugebitque sacrum lacrymis Helicona tacentem. 
Harueiusque bonus, (charus licet omnibus idem,)
Idque suo merito prope suauior omnibus, vnus
Angelus et Gabriel, quamuis comitatus araicis
Innumeris, geniumque choro stipatus amaeno,
Immerito tamen vnum absentem saepe requiret;
Optabitque, Utinam meus hic Edmundus adesset,
Qui noua scripsisset, nee amores conticuisset,
Ipse suos; et saepe animo verbisque benignis
Fausta precaretur, Deus illum aliqaundo reducat. &c.

  Plura vellem per Charites, sed non licet per Musas. 
Vale, Vale plurimum, Mi amabilissime Harueie, meo cordi, meorum
  omnium longe charissime.

I was minded also to haue sent you some English verses, or rymes, for a farewell; but, by my troth, I haue no spare time in the world to thinke on such toyes, that, you knowe, will demaund a freer head than mine is presently.  I beseeche you by all your curtesies and graces, let me be answered ere I goe; which will be (I hope, I feare, I thinke) the next weeke, if I can be dispatched of my Lorde.  I goe thither, as sent by him, and maintained most what of him; and there am to employ my time, my body, my minde, to his Honours seruice.  Thus, with many superhartie commendations and recommendations to your selfe, and all my friendes with you, I ende my last farewell, not thinking any more to write vnto you before I goe; and withall committing to your faithfull credence the eternall memorie of our euerlasting friendship; the inuiolable memorie of our ynspotted friendshippe, the sacred memorie of our vowed friendship; which I beseech you continue with vsuall writings, as you may, and of all things let me hears some newes from you:  as gentle M. Sidney, I thanke his good worship, hath required of me, and so promised to doe againe. Qui monet, vt facias, quod iam facis, you knowe the rest.  You may alwayes send them most safely to me by Mistresse Kerke, and by none other.  So once againe, and yet once more, farewell most hardly, mine owne good Master H., and loue me, as I loue you, and thinke vpon poore Immerito, as he thinketh vppon you.

Leyc’ester House, this 5 [16*] of October, 1579. [*:  See Appendix II, para. 3:2.]

Per mare, per terras, Viuus mortuusque, Tuus Immerito.

* * * * *

To my long approoued and singular good frende, Master G. H.


Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.