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New books,
Printed for J. Stockdale, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly.
STOCKDALE’s new companion to the London Kalendar, and court and city Register, for the Year 1783; being a List of all the changes in administration, from the Accession of the present King, in October 1760, to the present Time. To which is perfixed, a List of the late and present house of commons, shewing the Changes made in the Members of Parliament by the General Election in September 1780, with the Names of the Candidates where the Elections were contested, the Numbers polled, and the Decisions since made by the Select Committees. Also the Dates when each City and Borough first sent Representatives to Parliament, the Right of Election in each Place, and the supposed Number of Voters. To which is added, a complete Index of names. Price 1s.
The London Kalendar, or court and city Register, for 1783; including all the new Peers lately created; new Members; Alterations in all the different Departments under Government, in Great-Britain, Ireland, and America; with a complete List of the Sovereigns of Europe; the Presidents of the Congress, from 1774; Presidents and Governors of the American States; and a number of other new lists not to be found in any other Publication. Containing complete Lists of British and Irish Houses of Parliament; Establishments of England, Scotland, Ireland, America, &c. correct Lists of the Peeresses, Baronets, Universities, Seminaries, Hospitals, Charities, Governors, Public-offices; Army, Navy, Collectors at the different Ports, &c.
This London Kalendar is upon a Plan much more extensive and useful than any other Book of the Kind yet published. Price 2s.
==>Be careful to ask for The London Kalendar, printed for J. Stockdale, &c. which may be had bound in the three following different Ways.