Cap and Gown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about Cap and Gown.

Cap and Gown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about Cap and Gown.

Harvard Lampoon.

Her Leghorn Hat.

Her leghorn hat has rows on rows
    Of ribbon, tied with charming bows. 
  The crown is wreathed in dainty green,
  And from their leaves there peep between
Some rosebuds white as winter snows.

The brim’s so large, whene’er it blows,
Her face is hid from friends and foes,
  As all must know who once have seen
    Her leghorn hat.

I wonder why it droops and flows
About her face; howe’er she pose,
  It always serves her as a screen;
  I cannot guess, and yet I ween
It keeps the freckles from her nose,
    Her leghorn hat.

Yale Record.


On the wealthy Larica’s worn features I wrote
In rhyme some extravagant praise. 
The verses were spurned (and I’m in the same boat),
For I called them “Some Lines on Her Face.”


A Problem.

My love’s face is exceeding fair,
  With eyes like jewels bright;
Above, a wealth of flowing hair,
  A golden crown of light.

With smiles more radiant than the sun,
  My love frees me from care,
And yet, when all is said and done,
  I’m driven, to despair.

And if the reason you’d seek out
  Why I should mournful be,
I’ll tell you that I’m filled with doubt
  Which girl is meant for me.

And yet I love but one sweet face,—­
  Oh, happy he who wins,—­
But I, I’m in an awkward place,
  My love, you see, is twins.

G.P.  DAY.
Yale Record.

The Outward Shows.

She was the premiere danseuse of the ballet,
And she tripped the light fantastic like a fay;
  She was so sweet and cunning,
  And withal so very stunning,
That I was bound to meet her right away.

I went behind the scenes after the play,
And imagine my surprise as well you may: 
  This maid so sweet and cunning,
  And withal so very stunning,
I’ll swear that she was forty if a day.

Harvard Lampoon.

"As Ye Sow."

“What awful debts are these, my son? 
  Not one cent more, forsooth! 
I never was a rake like you
  In the hey-day of my youth.”

“Quite right you are,” the sport replied;
  “And yet you twist the truth,
For once you used to rake the fields
  In the hay-day of your youth.”

Harvard Lampoon.

On Afric’s Golden Sands.

A wild and warlike Zulu chief
        Was he;
His costume was as brief as brief
        Could be. 
He vowed that he would woo and win
        A maid,
But she skipped out and left him in
        The shade. 
At first she liked him; this was how
        She ceased—­
He simply wouldn’t wear his trou-
        Sers creased.

Project Gutenberg
Cap and Gown from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.