Cap and Gown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about Cap and Gown.

Cap and Gown eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about Cap and Gown.

University of Chicago Weekly.

It Was.

He seized her in the dark and kissed her,
And for a moment bliss was his;
“Oh, my!  I thought it was my sister!”
He cried.  She laughed and said, “It is.”

Yale Record.

A Summer Campaign.

I’ve travelled from the coast of Maine
To Jersey’s balmy shore. 
Nor have my efforts been in vain,
For maids I’ve won galore.

In mountain climbs I spent my breath,
On lakes and rivers, too;
I flirted here with coy Beth,
And there with lovely Sue.

No tournament, no sail, nor hop,
Without me was complete;
Nor from love-making did I stop,
Till all were at my feet.

The summer’s gone upon the run,
Maids utter sighs in billows;
I’ve broken sixteen hearts and won
Just sixteen sofa pillows.

Yale Record.

From June to June.

Two lovers ’mong the weedy brake
  Were rowing—­happy pair! 
They drifted far upon the lake
  To get the sun and air.

A year has fled.  Again they float;
  But one is now the pair,
And three are riding in the boat—­
  They bring their son and heir.


At the North Avenue Fire.

The boy stood in the burning block,
Whence all but him had fled;
He smashed the china on a rock,
But saved the feather bed.

Harvard Lampoon.

I Love my Love.

Every one thinks some face fairer
  Than all others in the land,
Thinks this one alone is perfect,
  Vows to her his heart and hand.

Then he sings in loudest praises
  Of her wealth of golden hair,
Of her lips like ripest cherries,
  She alone divinely fair.

But there’s one that’s quite forgotten,
  One whose charms they fail to see;
Yet in my abject devotion
  Fairest of the fair is she.

There’s not one half so entrancing
  Or so makes my poor heart thrill—­
It is Martha Washington’s picture
  On a bright one dollar bill.

Yale Record.

The Diva.

Gone are her bird-notes, thin she sings, and flat,
Enough to craze Concone or Scarlatti. 
Where once she made our hearts go pit-a-pat,
To-day, alas, they only pity Patti.

Harvard Lampoon.


In Vassar’s halls a tutor young,
’Tis said, once met his fate;
He taught her in the Calculus
To differentiate.

They’re married now—­at meal-times oft
Discord invades their state;
For he has found that she with him
Would differ when she ate.

Lehigh Burr.

She Still Wins.

He had worn a colored blazer on the Nile;
He had sported spats in Persia just for style;
    With a necktie quite too utter,
    In the streets of old Calcutta,
He had stirred up quite a flutter for a while.

Project Gutenberg
Cap and Gown from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.