Double the amount of flour may be used, nuts and raisins omitted, and mixture chilled and rolled out and cut in any desired shape, before baking.
1/2 pound (1 cake) vanilla sweet chocolate
over hot water, add slowly
1 cup strong hot coffee and boil 1 minute.
Add to
6 cups scalded milk, beat until a thick
froth forms on top, and leave
over hot water 10 minutes. Serve with
Whipped cream sweetened and flavored,
or chill and serve in tall
glasses with
Cracked Ice.
* * * * *
Apple Ball Cocktail
Sauted Oysters with Celery Sauce or Celery Cheese
California Lettuce with Russian or Thousand Island
Orange Biscuits
Molasses Pie
Iced Tea with Ginger Ale
Molasses pie made
Celery cooked for celery sauce
Mayonnaise and Russian dressing made
Dry ingredients and shortening mixed for biscuits
Lettuce washed
Fruit prepared for cocktail
Cheese grated
Tea made
1 pint selected oysters or 1/2 pound cheese 4 eggs 1 cup milk 2/3 cup cream 1/2 pound butter 2 roots celery 1 large or 2 small heads California lettuce 1 orange 3 lemons 8 apples (perfect in shape and uniform in size) 1/4 pound white or Tokay grapes 1 loaf bread 1/4 cup chili sauce 1/4 pound demi-tasse sugar 1 1/2 cups molasses 1/2 pound walnuts 4 individual tea bags 1 quart ginger ale 1/3 cup maraschino cherries 1/4 pound common crackers 1 chicken bouillon cube or chicken stock 1 pimiento 1 green pepper 1/2 cup mayonnaise dressing Parsley
Cut tops from stem end of
8 choice apples. Remove inside of
apples with a French ball cutter,
putting balls in
2 cups cold water with
Juice of 1 lemon. Reserve tops of
apples, cores, and small pieces for
apple sauce. Put
Apple shells in
1 quart cold water to which is added
1 teaspoon salt. Remove skins and
seeds from
1/4 lb. (1 cup) white grapes. Just
before serving drain apple shells.
Remove apple balls from the water.
Drain and mix with the
White grapes and with
1/3 cup maraschino cherries and fill apple
shells. Mix
3 tablespoons syrup from maraschino cherries
Juice of 1/2 orange and put over the apple
balls. Serve apple shells
in individual dishes or cocktail glasses surrounded
Crushed Ice.
Apple may be removed in small oval shapes with a coffee spoon, if a French ball cutter is not available.
Grapes may be bought in cans if fresh grapes are not in market.