International Short Stories: French eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about International Short Stories.

International Short Stories: French eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about International Short Stories.

The time had come for us to part.  Solange’s duties at the school began at nine o’clock in the morning.  Her school was in the vicinity of the Botanic Gardens.  I hesitated long to let her go; she, too, was loath to part from me.  But it must be.  Solange was prone to be an object of unpleasant inquiries.

I called a conveyance and Accompanied her as far as the Rue des Fosses-Saint-Bernard, where I got out and left her to pursue her way alone.  All the way we lay mutely wrapped in each other’s arms, mingling tears with our kisses.

After leaving the carriage, I stood as if rooted to the ground.  I heard Solange call me, but I dared not go to her, because her face, moist with tears, and her hysterical manner were calculated to attract attention.

Utterly wretched, I returned home, passing the entire day in writing to Solange.  In the evening I sent her an entire volume of love-pledges.

My letter had hardly gone to the post when I received one from her.

She had been sharply reprimanded for coming late; had been subjected to a severe cross-examination, and threatened with forfeiture of her next holiday.  But she vowed to join me even at the cost of her place.  I thought I should go mad at the prospect of being parted from her a whole week.  I was more depressed because a letter which had arrived from her father appeared to have been tampered with.

I passed a wretched night and a still more miserable day.

The next day the weather was appalling.  Nature seemed to be dissolving in a cold, ceaseless rain—­a rain like that which announces the approach of winter.  All the way to the laboratory my ears were tortured with the criers announcing the names of the condemned, a large number of men, women, and children.  The bloody harvest was over-rich.  I should not lack subjects for my investigations that day.

The day ended early.  At four o’clock I arrived at Clamart; it was almost night.

The view of the cemetery, with its large, new-made graves; the sparse, leafless trees that swayed in the wind, was desolate, almost appalling.

A large, open pit yawned before me.  It was to receive to-day’s harvest from the Place de la Revolution.  An exceedingly large number of victims was expected, for the pit was deeper than usual.

Mechanically I approached the grave.  At the bottom the water had gathered in a pool; my feet slipped; I came within an inch of falling in.  My hair stood on end.  The rain had drenched me to the skin.  I shuddered and hastened into the laboratory.

It was, as I have said, an abandoned chapel.  My eyes searched—­I know not why—­to discover if some traces of the holy purpose to which the edifice had once been devoted did not still adhere to the walls or to the altar; but the walls were bare, the altar empty.

I struck a light and deposited the candle on the operating-table on which lay scattered a miscellaneous assortment of the strange instruments I employed.  I sat down and fell into a reverie.  I thought of the poor queen, whom I had seen in her beauty, glory, and happiness, yesterday carted to the scaffold, pursued by the execrations of a people, to-day lying headless on the common sinners’ bier—­she who had slept beneath the gilded canopy of the throne of the Tuileries and St. Cloud.

Project Gutenberg
International Short Stories: French from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.