Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

“You ought to care,” she answered with blazing eyes.  “You’re sick.  That’s what’s the matter.”

“Never healthier in my life.  I weigh five pounds more than I ever did.”

“It ain’t your body.  It’s your head.  Something’s wrong with your think-machine.  Even I can see that, an’ I ain’t nobody.”

He walked on beside her, reflecting.

“I’d give anything to see you get over it,” she broke out impulsively.  “You ought to care when women look at you that way, a man like you.  It’s not natural.  It’s all right enough for sissy-boys.  But you ain’t made that way.  So help me, I’d be willing an’ glad if the right woman came along an’ made you care.”

When he left Lizzie at night school, he returned to the Metropole.

Once in his rooms, he dropped into a Morris chair and sat staring straight before him.  He did not doze.  Nor did he think.  His mind was a blank, save for the intervals when unsummoned memory pictures took form and color and radiance just under his eyelids.  He saw these pictures, but he was scarcely conscious of them—­no more so than if they had been dreams.  Yet he was not asleep.  Once, he roused himself and glanced at his watch.  It was just eight o’clock.  He had nothing to do, and it was too early for bed.  Then his mind went blank again, and the pictures began to form and vanish under his eyelids.  There was nothing distinctive about the pictures.  They were always masses of leaves and shrub-like branches shot through with hot sunshine.

A knock at the door aroused him.  He was not asleep, and his mind immediately connected the knock with a telegram, or letter, or perhaps one of the servants bringing back clean clothes from the laundry.  He was thinking about Joe and wondering where he was, as he said, “Come in.”

He was still thinking about Joe, and did not turn toward the door.  He heard it close softly.  There was a long silence.  He forgot that there had been a knock at the door, and was still staring blankly before him when he heard a woman’s sob.  It was involuntary, spasmodic, checked, and stifled—­he noted that as he turned about.  The next instant he was on his feet.

“Ruth!” he said, amazed and bewildered.

Her face was white and strained.  She stood just inside the door, one hand against it for support, the other pressed to her side.  She extended both hands toward him piteously, and started forward to meet him.  As he caught her hands and led her to the Morris chair he noticed how cold they were.  He drew up another chair and sat down on the broad arm of it.  He was too confused to speak.  In his own mind his affair with Ruth was closed and sealed.  He felt much in the same way that he would have felt had the Shelly Hot Springs Laundry suddenly invaded the Hotel Metropole with a whole week’s washing ready for him to pitch into.  Several times he was about to speak, and each time he hesitated.

Project Gutenberg
Martin Eden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.