Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

Martin Eden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about Martin Eden.

After that experience, Martin typed at the top of the first sheet of all his manuscripts:  “Submitted at your usual rate.”

Some day, he consoled himself, they will be submitted at my usual rate.

He discovered in himself, at this period, a passion for perfection, under the sway of which he rewrote and polished “The Jostling Street,” “The Wine of Life,” “Joy,” the “Sea Lyrics,” and others of his earlier work.  As of old, nineteen hours of labor a day was all too little to suit him.  He wrote prodigiously, and he read prodigiously, forgetting in his toil the pangs caused by giving up his tobacco.  Ruth’s promised cure for the habit, flamboyantly labelled, he stowed away in the most inaccessible corner of his bureau.  Especially during his stretches of famine he suffered from lack of the weed; but no matter how often he mastered the craving, it remained with him as strong as ever.  He regarded it as the biggest thing he had ever achieved.  Ruth’s point of view was that he was doing no more than was right.  She brought him the anti-tobacco remedy, purchased out of her glove money, and in a few days forgot all about it.

His machine-made storiettes, though he hated them and derided them, were successful.  By means of them he redeemed all his pledges, paid most of his bills, and bought a new set of tires for his wheel.  The storiettes at least kept the pot a-boiling and gave him time for ambitious work; while the one thing that upheld him was the forty dollars he had received from The White Mouse.  He anchored his faith to that, and was confident that the really first-class magazines would pay an unknown writer at least an equal rate, if not a better one.  But the thing was, how to get into the first-class magazines.  His best stories, essays, and poems went begging among them, and yet, each month, he read reams of dull, prosy, inartistic stuff between all their various covers.  If only one editor, he sometimes thought, would descend from his high seat of pride to write me one cheering line!  No matter if my work is unusual, no matter if it is unfit, for prudential reasons, for their pages, surely there must be some sparks in it, somewhere, a few, to warm them to some sort of appreciation.  And thereupon he would get out one or another of his manuscripts, such as “Adventure,” and read it over and over in a vain attempt to vindicate the editorial silence.

As the sweet California spring came on, his period of plenty came to an end.  For several weeks he had been worried by a strange silence on the part of the newspaper storiette syndicate.  Then, one day, came back to him through the mail ten of his immaculate machine-made storiettes.  They were accompanied by a brief letter to the effect that the syndicate was overstocked, and that some months would elapse before it would be in the market again for manuscripts.  Martin had even been extravagant on the strength of those ten storiettes.  Toward

Project Gutenberg
Martin Eden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.