The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.

The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.
  dismissal of;
  recall from banishment. 
Choisy, private parties at. 
Clergy, oppression of the. 
Clery, M., refused audience with the queen. 
Clinton, Sir Harry. 
Clootz, Anacharsis, heads a deputation. 
Clostercamp, the scene of the heroism displayed by the Chevalier d’Assas. 
Clotilde, Princess, marriage of the. 
Clubs, political, springing up at Paris. 
Coigny, Duc de. 
Coligny, Admiral de, and Count de Mirabeau. 
Comte d’Artois;
  de la Marck;
  de Mercy;
Condorcet, Marquis de. 
Constitution, completing the, by the Assembly;
  acceptance of the, by the king. 
Constitutional guard, dissolution of the. 
Constitutionalists, or “the Plain”. 
Conti, Prince de. 
Cordeliers, the. 
Cortey, M.. 
Count d’Estaing;
  de Fersen;
  de Grasse;
  de Luxembourg;
  de Maurepas;
  de Mirabeau;
  de Narbonne;
  de Roche-Aymer;
  de Rosenberg;
  de Stedingk;
  de St. Priest;
  de Vaudreuil;
Countess de Balbi;
  du Barri;
  de Grammont;
  de Monnier;
  de la Mothe;
  de Noailles;
  de Polignac;
  de Provence. 
“Coupe-tetes,” the. 
Court supper-parties. 
Couthon, M.
Craufurd, Mr.

D’Agoust, Marquis. 
D’Aiguillon, Duc. 
Dames de la Halle. 
D’Angouleme, Duc, birth of. 
D’Artois, Comte, marriage of the; and;
  the Duc de Chartres establish horse-racing;
  his character;
  shielding the Duc de Chartres;
  watching at the queen’s bedside during her illness;
  shows contempt for the commercial orders;
  flees from Paris;
  misconduct of the;
  refuses to return to France. 
D’Assas, Chevalier, story of the. 
Dauphin, proposal of marriage of Marie Antoinette to the;
  early education of the;
  introduction to;
  married at Versailles, Mary 16th, 1770;
  letter from Maria Teresa to the;
  admiration of the, for his wife;
  and the Count de Provence, characters of the;
  birth of the, son of Louis XVI.;
  death of the, son of Louis XVI., June 4th, 1789, and succeeded by his
  and M. Bertrand. 
Deane, Silas. 
Death of Francis, Emperor of Germany;
  of Louis XV.;
  of Voltaire;
  of Cardinal de Rohan, at Ettenheim;
  of Princess Sophie, daughter of the queen;
  of the Dauphin, son of Louis XVI., June 4th, 1789;
  of Joseph II., Emperor of Austria;
  of Count de Mirabeau;
  of Leopold, Emperor of Austria. 
Debt, the queen finds herself in. 
Declaration of Pilnitz. 
Defeat of De Grasse by Admiral Rodney. 
Degraves, M.
De Launay, M., governor of the Bastile, death of. 
Des Huttes, M.
D’Espremesnil, Duval. 
De Stael, Baroness. 
D’Estaing, Count. 
Destruction of the Spanish squadron by the British at Cape St. Vincent
De Varicourt, M.
D’Hervilly, Count. 

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.