Roy Blakeley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Roy Blakeley.

Roy Blakeley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Roy Blakeley.

Illustration #2

“A map”

As long as there’s any sign of a trail you can’t get me rattled, but cracky, I don’t like marshes.  You can get lost in a marsh easier than in any other place.  Pretty soon I was plodding around deeper than my knees and it gave me a strain every time I dragged my leg out of the swamp.  Maybe you’ll wonder why I didn’t go back, but if you do, that’s because you don’t know much about marshes.  All of a sudden I was right in the middle of it, as you might say, and there were no landmarks at all.

Pretty soon I was in waist deep and then I was scared, you can bet.  If there’s one thing that gets me scared it’s quicksand.  As long as I could get my legs out I was all right, but when I began sinking as low as my waist and had to drag myself out by squirming and catching hold of bushes and things, then I lost my nerve—­I have to admit it.

I saw I was a fool ever to go into that pesky place, but it was too late and I knew that pretty soon I’d be in too deep to get out.  Oh, jiminies, I was scared.  Once, after I scrambled out I tried lying flat on the marsh with the reeds laid over sideways underneath me.  But they didn’t hold me up and anyway I knew I couldn’t lie that way forever.  I wondered how a scout had ever gone through here.

Before I knew how to swim I came mighty near to getting drowned and I got lost in the woods, too, when I was a tenderfoot.  But this was worse than anything I ever knew before.  Once I sank down almost to my shoulders and I guess I would have been a goner, only my feet struck something hard and flat and I stood on that until I got rested a little.

All the while I looked around to see if I could decide where the land might be a little harder, but I guess I must have been in the worst part of it.  I decided that the safest thing I could do was to stand just where I was.  I didn’t know what it was I was standing on, but anyway it didn’t seem to sink any, so I was kind of safe there, as you might say.  But I knew I could never raise myself out of that place and I’d have to just stand there till I got so tired and hungry, that I’d drop down and be sucked into the marsh.

So anyway, I’d have to die, I was sure of that only I didn’t want to die any sooner than I had to.  Two or three times I shouted as loud as I could, but I knew it wasn’t any use, because I was two or three miles away from any house.  Even if anybody knew, I didn’t see how they could get to me and it was only by good luck that I wasn’t dead already on account of the hard thing I was standing on.  Every once in a while bubbles would come up and I thought it was because that thing I was standing on was sinking lower.  The marsh was just about even with my shoulders and I kept looking sideways at my shoulders all the time, so as to see if I was going down any and sometimes I thought I was.  But I guess I wasn’t.

Project Gutenberg
Roy Blakeley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.