A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 9 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 508 pages of information about A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 9.

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 9 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 508 pages of information about A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 9.

By that conclusion you should not be wise. [Aside.

Foul fortune sometimes smiles on virtue fair.

’Tis then to show her mutability: 
But since, amidst ten thousand frowning threats
Of fickle fortune’s thrice-unconstant wheel,
She deigns to show one little pleasing smile,
Let’s do our best false fortune to beguile,
And take advantage of her ever-changing moods. 
See, see, how Tellus’ spangled mantle smiles,
And birds do chant their rural sugar’d notes,
As ravish’d with our meeting’s sweet delights: 
Since then, there fits for love both time and place,
Let love and liking hand in hand embrace.

NURSE.  Sir, the next way to win her love is to linger her leisure.  I measure my mistress by my lovely self:  make a promise to a man, and keep it.  I have but one fault—­I ne’er made promise in my life, but I stick to it tooth and nail.  I’ll pay it home, i’ faith.  If I promise my love a kiss, I’ll give him two; marry, at first I will make nice, and cry Fie, fie; and that will make him come again and again.  I’ll make him break his wind with come-agains.

But what says Lelia to her Sophos’ love?

Ah, Sophos, that fond blind boy,
That wrings these passions from my Sophos’ heart,
Hath likewise wounded Lelia with his dart;
And force perforce, I yield the fortress up: 
Here, Sophos, take thy Lelia’s hand,
And with this hand receive a loyal heart. 
High Jove, that ruleth heaven’s bright canopy,
Grant to our love a wish’d felicity!

As joys the weary pilgrim by the way,
When Phoebus wanes[144] unto the western deep,
To summon him to his desired rest;
Or as the poor distressed mariner,
Long toss’d by shipwreck on the foaming waves,
At length beholds the long-wish’d haven,
Although from far his heart doth dance for joy: 
So love’s consent at length my mind hath eas’d;
My troubled thoughts by sweet content are pleas’d.

My father recks not virtue,
But vows to wed me to a man of wealth: 
And swears his gold shall counterpoise his worth. 
But Lelia scorns proud Mammon’s golden mines,
And better likes of learning’s sacred lore,
Than of fond fortune’s glistering mockeries. 
But, Sophos, try thy wits, and use thy utmost skill
To please my father, and compass his goodwill.

To what fair Lelia wills doth Sophos yield content;
Yet that’s the troublous gulf my silly ship must pass: 
But, were that venture harder to atchieve
Than that of Jason for the golden fleece,
I would effect it for sweet Lelia’s sake,
Or leave myself as witness of my thoughts.

How say you by that, mistress?  He’ll do anything for your sake.

Thanks, gentle love: 
But, lest my father should suspect—­
Whose jealous head with more than Argus’ eyes
Doth measure ev’ry gesture that I use—­
I’ll in, and leave you here alone. 
Adieu, sweet friend, until we meet again. 
Come, nurse, follow me.

Project Gutenberg
A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 9 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.