A Romance of the Republic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 469 pages of information about A Romance of the Republic.

A Romance of the Republic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 469 pages of information about A Romance of the Republic.

She started, for she had supposed the intruder was Tulee.  With head proudly erect, nostrils dilated, and eyes that flashed fire, she exclaimed, “How dare you come here?”

This reception was so entirely unexpected, that it disconcerted him; and instead of the severe reproof he had contemplated, he said, in an expostulating tone:  “Rosa, I always thought you the soul of honor.  When we parted, you promised not to go to the plantation unless I was with you.  Is this the way you keep your word?”

You talk of honor and promises!” she exclaimed.

The sneer conveyed in the tones stung him to the quick.  But he made an effort to conceal his chagrin, and said, with apparent calmness:  “You must admit it was an unaccountable freak to start for the plantation in the evening, and go wandering round the grounds in that mysterious way.  What could have induced you to take such a step?”

“I accidentally overheard Tom telling Tulee that you were to bring home a bride from the North yesterday.  I could not believe it of you, and I was too proud to question him.  But after reflecting upon it, I chose to go and see for myself.  And when I had seen for myself, I wished to remind you of that past which you seemed to have forgotten.”

“Curse on Tom!” he exclaimed.  “He shall smart for this mischief.”

“Don’t be so unmanly as to punish a poor servant for mentioning a piece of news that interested the whole plantation, and which must of course be a matter of notoriety,” she replied very quietly.  “Both he and Tulee were delicate enough to conceal it from me.”

Fitzgerald felt embarrassed by her perfect self-possession.  After a slight pause, during which she kept her face averted from him, he said:  “I confess that appearances are against me, and that you have reason to feel offended.  But if you knew just how I was situated, you would, perhaps, judge me less harshly.  I have met with heavy losses lately, and I was in danger of becoming bankrupt unless I could keep up my credit by a wealthy marriage.  The father of this young lady is rich, and she fell in love with me.  I have married her; but I tell you truly, dear Rosa, that I love you more than I ever loved any other woman.”

“You say she loved you, and yet you could deceive her so,” she replied.  “You could conceal from her that you already had a wife.  When I watched her as she walked on the veranda I was tempted to reveal myself, and disclose your baseness.”

Fitzgerald’s eyes flashed with sudden anger, as he vociferated, “Rosa, if you ever dare to set up any such claim—­”

“If I dare!” she exclaimed, interrupting him in a tone of proud defiance, that thrilled through all his nerves.

Alarmed by the strength of character which he had never dreamed she possessed, he said:  “In your present state of mind, there is no telling what you may dare to do.  It becomes necessary for you to understand your true position.  You are not my wife.  The man who married us had no legal authority to perform the ceremony.”

Project Gutenberg
A Romance of the Republic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.