Norwegian Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about Norwegian Life.

Norwegian Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about Norwegian Life.
like the exercise of the children in the schools.  After twenty minutes or half an hour of this the class marches in a column, still going through the same movements; then they run, following their leader, doing everything that he does, until at the end of an hour the body is in a glow, the blood is pulsating in every vein, the perspiration is oozing from every pore, every muscle is limbered up and strengthened, and every nerve tingles.  There is regular gymnasium apparatus for those who like more violent exercise.  Then a bath is taken, followed by a cold plunge and violent rubbing with massage, after which a man is in shape to go home to his dinner with a good appetite.

In October every year the Scandinavian Gymnastic Instructors’ Association meets in Stockholm for several weeks, at which lectures are delivered, papers are read, and discussions are held upon all branches of their work.  These meetings are quite as important as annual conventions of the bar or medical associations, and are not only attended by gymnastic instructors, but by physicians generally, for every Swedish physician must be well versed in medical gymnastics, particularly in what is known as kinesitherapym or movement cure, which embraces active, passive, and resisting movements, as well as massage, for the latter is the basis of medical gymnastics.

The Swedes have accepted this treatment as a specific for nearly all diseases, deformities, and weaknesses of the body; for internal complaints, for the lungs, the heart, and the digestive organs.  It removes superfluous tissue, and this is the reason you see so few fat men in Sweden, notwithstanding their beer-drinking propensities, and why the women keep their youthful shape until old age.

It is a spectacle to witness in some of the gymnastic institutes venerable and dignified gentlemen going through comical motions and assuming ridiculous postures with great activity and zeal, keeping time to the music of a band in the adjoining cafe.

In Sweden doctors never send bills to their patients, but trust entirely to their generosity.  Each family has an attending physician, who expects them to pay him by the year for his services, according to their wealth and the amount of attention they receive.  Ten dollars a year in our money is a good fee; one hundred dollars is princely.  At the beginning of the year you put the amount in an envelope and send it to the doctor by a messenger with your card.  He sends back his card with an acknowledgment of thanks and the compliments of the season.  It is very bad form to talk about it, although grateful patients often write their physicians affectionate letters of gratitude for his devotion and the benefit he has brought them.  It is a good deal like the relation between a minister and his parishioners in other countries, and the annual contribution for the support of the doctor is just as voluntary as the contribution to the treasury of the church.  If there is any reason

Project Gutenberg
Norwegian Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.