Beacon Lights of History, Volume 07 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 07.

Beacon Lights of History, Volume 07 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 07.
as they were called, and the priests of the cathedral formed the intellectual aristocracy of the city, and they were frequent visitors at the house of Fulbert the canon.  His niece, as she was presumed to be, was the great object of attraction.  There never was a time when intellectual Frenchmen have not bowed down to cultivated women.  Heloise, though only a girl, was a queen of such society as existed in the city, albeit more admired by men than women,—­poetical, imaginative, witty, ready, frank, with a singular appreciation of intellectual excellence, dazzled by literary fame, and looking up to those brilliant men who worshipped her.

In truth, Heloise was a prodigy.  She was vastly superior to the men who surrounded her, most of whom were pedants, or sophists, or bigots; dignitaries indeed, but men who exalted the accidental and the external over the real and the permanent; men who were fond of quibbles and sophistries, jealous of each other and of their own reputation, dogmatic and positive as priests are apt to be, and most positive on points which either are of no consequence or cannot be solved.  The soul of Heloise panted for a greater intellectual freedom and a deeper sympathy than these priests could give.  She pined in society.  She was isolated by her own superiority,—­superior not merely in the radiance of the soul, but in the treasures of the mind.  Nor could her companions comprehend her greatness, even while they were fascinated by her presence.  She dazzled them by her personal beauty perhaps more than by her wit; for even mediaeval priests could admire an expansive brow, a deep blue eye, doux et penetrant, a mouth varying with unconscious sarcasms, teeth strong and regular, a neck long and flexible, and shoulders sloping and gracefully moulded, over which fell ample and golden locks; while the attitude, the complexion, the blush, the thrilling accent, and the gracious smile, languor, and passion depicted on a face both pale and animated, seduced the imagination and commanded homage.  Venus Polyhymnia stood confessed in all her charms, for the time triumphant over that Venus Urania who made the convent of the Paraclete in after times a blessed comforter to all who sought its consolations.

Among the distinguished visitors at the house of her uncle the canon, attracted by her beauty and accomplishments, was a man thirty-eight years of age, of noble birth, but by profession an ecclesiastic; whose large forehead, fiery eye, proud air, plain, negligent dress, and aristocratic manners, by turns affable and haughty, stamped him as an extraordinary man.  The people in the streets stopped to gaze at him as he passed, or rushed to the doors and windows for a glimpse; for he was as famous for genius and learning as he was distinguished by manners and aspect.  He was the eldest son of a Breton nobleman, who had abandoned his inheritance and birthright for the fascinations of literature and philosophy.  His name was Peter

Project Gutenberg
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 07 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.