The Compleat Cook eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about The Compleat Cook.

The Compleat Cook eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about The Compleat Cook.

90.  The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence; or the Arts of Wooing and Complementing; as they are managed in the Spring Garden, Hide-Park, the New Exchange, and other Eminent Places.  A work in which are drawn to the Life and Deportments of the most Accomplisht Persons; the Mode of their Courtly Entertainments, Treatment of their Ladies at Balls, their accustomed Sports, Drolls & Fancies; the witchcrafts of their perswasive language, in their approaches, or other more secret dispatches, _&c_. by E.P.

91. Helmont disguised; or the vulgar errors of imperical and unskilful practicers of Physick confuted; more especially as they concern the cures of Feavers, the Stone, the Plague, and some other Diseases by way of Dialogue; in which the chief rarities of Physick are admirably discoursed by I.T.

Books in the Press, and ready for Printing.

1.  The Scales of Commerce and Trade:  by T.  Wilsford.

2.  Geometry demonstrated by Lines & Numbers; from thence, Astronomy, Cosmgraphy, and Navigation proved and delineated by the Doctrine of Plane and Spherical Trangles:  by T.  Wilsford.

3.  The English Annals, from the Invasion made by Julius Cesar to these times:  by T.  Wilsford.

4.  The Fool tranformed:  a Comedy.

5.  The History of Lewis the Eleventh King of France:  a Trage-Comedy.

6.  The chast woman against her will:  a Comedy.

7.  The Tooth-Drawer:  a Comedy.

8.  Honour in the end:  a Comedy.

9.  The Tell Tale:  a Comedy

10.  The History of Donquixiot, or the Knight of the illfavour’d Face:  a Comedy.

11.  The fair Spanish Captive:  a Trage-Comedy.

12.  Sir Kenelm Digby & other persons of Honour, their rare and incomparable secrets of Physick, Chyrurgery, Cookery, Preserving, Conserving, Candying, distilling of Waters, extraction of Oyls, compounding of the costliest Perfumes, with other admirable Inventions, and select Experiments, as they offered themselves to their Observations, whether here or in Forrein Countreys.

13.  The so much desired & deeply learned Commentary on Psalme 15. by that reverend and eminent Divine Mr. Christopher Carthwright Minister of the Gospel in York.

14.  The Soul’s Cordial in two treatises, the first teaching how to be eased of the guilt of sin, the second, discovering advantages by Christs ascention:  by that faithful labourer in the Lord’s vineyard Mr. Christopher Love, late Parson of Laurance Jury:  the third volumn.

15.  Jacobs seed, the excellency of seeking God by prayer, by the late reverend divine I.  Burroughs.

16.  The Saints Tombe-Stone:  or the Remains of the Blessed:  A plain Narrative of some remarkable passages, in the Holy Life, & Happy Death, of Mrs. Dorothy Shaw, wife of Mr. John Shaw Preacher of the Gospel at Kingston on Hull collected by her dearest friends especially for her sorrowful Husband and six Daughters consolation and invitation.

Project Gutenberg
The Compleat Cook from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.