Take a quart of Creame, a quarter of a pound of French-barley the whitest you can get, and boyle it very tender in three or four severall waters, and let it be cold, then put both together, put in it a blade of Mace, a Nutmeg cut in quarters, a race of Ginger cut in three or five pieces, and so let it boyle a good while, still stirring, and season it with Sugar to your tast, then take the yolks of four Eggs and beat them with a little Cream, and stir them into it, and so let it boyle a little after the Egs are in, then have ready blanched and beaten twenty Almonds kept from oyling, with a little Rose-water, then take a boulter, strainer, and rub your Almonds with a little of your Furmity through the strainer, but set on the fire no more, and stir in a little Salt and a little sliced Nutmeg, pickt out of the great peices of it, and put it in a dish, and serve it.
To make Patis, or Cabbage Cream.
Take thirty Ale pints of new milke, and set it on the fire in a Kettle till it be scalding hot, stirring it oft to keep it from creaming, then put in forth, into thirty Pans of Earth, as you put it forth, take off the bubbles with a spoon, let it stand till it be cold, then take off the Cream with two such slices as you beat Bisket bread with, but they must be very thin and not too broad, then when the Milk is dropped off the Cream, you must lay it upon a Pye-plate, you must scour the Kettle very clean and heat the Milk again, and so four or five times. In the lay of it, first lay a stalk in the midst of the Plate, let the rest of the Cream be laid upon that sloping, between every laying you must scrape Sugar and sprinkle Rose-water, and if you will, the powder of Musk, and Amber-greece, in the heating of the Milk be carefull of smoak.
To make Pap.
Take three quarts of new milk, set it on the fire in a dry silver Dish, or Bason, when it begins to boyle skim it, then put thereto a handfull of flour & yolks of three Eggs, which you must have well mingled together with a Ladle-full of cold Milk, before you put it to the Milk that boyles, and as it boyles, stir it all the while till it be enough, and in the boyling, season it with a little Salt, and a little fine beaten Sugar and so keeping it stirred till it be boyled as thick as you desire, then put it forth into another Dish and serve it up.
To make Spanish Pap.
Take three spoonfuls of Rice-floure, finely beaten and searced, two yolks of Eggs, three spoonfuls of Sugar, three or foure spoonfuls of Rose-water. Temper these fouer together, then put them to a pint of cold Cream, then set it on the fire and keep it stirred till it come to a reasonable thicknesse, then Dish it and serve it up.
To poach eggs.