To make an Almond Pudding.
Take your Almonds when they are blanched, and beat them as many as will serve for your Dish, then put to it foure or five yolks of Eggs, Rose-water, Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace, a little Sugar, and a little salt and Marrow cut into it, and so set it into the Oven, but your Oven must not be hotter then for Bisket bread; and when it is half baked, take the white of an Egg, Rose-water and fine Sugar well beaten together and very thick, and do it over with a feather, and set it in againe, then stick it over with Almonds, and so send it up.
This you may boyle in a Bag if you please, and put in a few crums of Bread into it, and eat it with butter and Sugar without Marrow.
To make an Almond Caudle.
Take three pints of Ale, boyle it with Cloves and Mace, and sliced bread in it, then have ready beaten a pound of Almonds blanched, & strain them out with a pint of White wine, and thicken the Ale with it, sweeten it if you please, and be sure you skim the Ale well when it boyles.
To make Almond bread.
Take Almonds and lay them in water all night, then blanch them and slice them, to every pound of Almonds, a pound of fine Sugar finely beaten, so mingle them together, then beat the whites of three Egs to high froth, and mix it well with the Almonds & Sugar, then have some Plates and strew some flower on them, and lay Wafers on them, and lay your Almonds with the edges upwards, lay them as round as your can, scrape a little Sugar on them, when they are ready to set in the Oven, which must not be so hot as to colour white Paper, and when they are a little baked, take them out, and them from the Plates, and set them in again, you must keepe them in a Stove.
To make Almond Cakes.
Take halfe a pound of Almonds blanched in cold water, beat them with some Rose-water till they doe not glister, then they will be beaten; if you think fit, lay seven or eight Musque Comfits dissolved in Rosewater which must not be above six or seven spoonfuls for fear of spoyling the colour; when they be thus beaten, put in half a pound of Sugar finely sifted, beat them and the Almonds together till it be well mixed, then take the whites of two Eggs, and two spoonfuls of fine flower that hath been dried in an Oven; beat these wel together and poure it to your Almonds, then butter your Plates and dust your Cakes with Sugar and Flower, and when they are a little brown, draw them, and when the oven is colder set them in again on browne Papers, and they will looke whiter.
Master Rudstones Posset.
Take a Pint of Sack, a quarter of a pint of Ale three quarters of a pound of Sugar, boyle all these well together, take two yolks of Eggs and sixteen whites very well beaten, put this to your boyling Sack & slice it very well together till it be thick on the coales; then take the three pints of Milk or Cream being boyled to a quart, it must stand and cool till the Eggs thicken, put it to your Sack and Eggs, and stir them well together, then cover it with a Plate and so serve it.