You give your all, and you slave your life
In a struggle to hold one man;
You think you’re paid if he call you wife
And be true to you for a span.
You keep his house and you bear his child
And you walk with your head held high
But most of his love, and his kisses go
To the woman that you pass by.
The favors you give, I sell for gold,
And men prize what costs them high;
You never will learn that love goes out
With the tear in a woman’s eye;
That the patient drudge who sits at home
And learns to save and to mend
Can never hold the light of love
But is doomed to lose in the end.
So I follow the old dishonored trade,
Bedecked in garments fine,
And the cream of the earth is saved for me
In raiment and food and wine.
And life to me is a merry game
Tho, sometimes, I weep and sigh,
For deep down in your heart, do you envy me
The woman that you pass by?
Why is it Alaskans all come back
When they’ve quit this land for
Why is it that no man stays away
When he’s sworn to his friends he
Where lies the grip this country hath
All tangled around the heart
That takes a grip that can never slip
And can never be torn apart?
Is it the lure of the summer sunshine
That goes to the head like wine?
Is it the lure of the far flung meadows
Of the shadowy scented pine?
Is it the lure of going where none have gone
Of just being alone in the wild?
Is it the lure of the ancient glaciers
That were old when Christ was a child?
They come here wild, athirst for gold
They would win and run away,
They lose the stake they brought along
And then they have to stay.
Here each one follows his own bent,
The mines, the hills, the mart,
Work’s but a name, the end’s the same,
The country steals your heart.
There’s a lure to the land of the poppy,
There’s a lure to the land of your
You swear you abhor it, and yet you’ll long
for it
As no other land on this earth.
There’s the lure of the snow mantled vastness,
There’s the lure of each valley
and hill,
Of friends that you’ve met, that you’ll
never forget
And you’ll want to come back, and
you will.
I’ve tramped across her endless miles of tundra,
I’ve rafted all her rapid flowing streams,
She’s kept me on the hummer,
I’ve fought mosquits in summer
And “siwashed” neath Aurora’s wintry
And still, I like Alaska.
I went a winter once on pay streak bacon,
I’ve gone a year on nothing much but beans,
I’ve squandered all my time checks,
The kind they give us roughnecks,
And haven’t got a dollar in my jeans,
And still, I like Alaska.