Persuasion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Persuasion.
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Persuasion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Persuasion.

The girls were wild for dancing; and the evenings ended, occasionally, in an unpremeditated little ball.  There was a family of cousins within a walk of Uppercross, in less affluent circumstances, who depended on the Musgroves for all their pleasures:  they would come at any time, and help play at anything, or dance anywhere; and Anne, very much preferring the office of musician to a more active post, played country dances to them by the hour together; a kindness which always recommended her musical powers to the notice of Mr and Mrs Musgrove more than anything else, and often drew this compliment;—­ “Well done, Miss Anne! very well done indeed!  Lord bless me! how those little fingers of yours fly about!”

So passed the first three weeks.  Michaelmas came; and now Anne’s heart must be in Kellynch again.  A beloved home made over to others; all the precious rooms and furniture, groves, and prospects, beginning to own other eyes and other limbs!  She could not think of much else on the 29th of September; and she had this sympathetic touch in the evening from Mary, who, on having occasion to note down the day of the month, exclaimed, “Dear me, is not this the day the Crofts were to come to Kellynch?  I am glad I did not think of it before.  How low it makes me!”

The Crofts took possession with true naval alertness, and were to be visited.  Mary deplored the necessity for herself.  “Nobody knew how much she should suffer.  She should put it off as long as she could;” but was not easy till she had talked Charles into driving her over on an early day, and was in a very animated, comfortable state of imaginary agitation, when she came back.  Anne had very sincerely rejoiced in there being no means of her going.  She wished, however to see the Crofts, and was glad to be within when the visit was returned.  They came:  the master of the house was not at home, but the two sisters were together; and as it chanced that Mrs Croft fell to the share of Anne, while the Admiral sat by Mary, and made himself very agreeable by his good-humoured notice of her little boys, she was well able to watch for a likeness, and if it failed her in the features, to catch it in the voice, or in the turn of sentiment and expression.

Mrs Croft, though neither tall nor fat, had a squareness, uprightness, and vigour of form, which gave importance to her person.  She had bright dark eyes, good teeth, and altogether an agreeable face; though her reddened and weather-beaten complexion, the consequence of her having been almost as much at sea as her husband, made her seem to have lived some years longer in the world than her real eight-and-thirty.  Her manners were open, easy, and decided, like one who had no distrust of herself, and no doubts of what to do; without any approach to coarseness, however, or any want of good humour.  Anne gave her credit, indeed, for feelings of great consideration towards herself, in all that related to Kellynch, and it pleased her:  especially, as she had satisfied herself in the very first half minute, in the instant even of introduction, that there was not the smallest symptom of any knowledge or suspicion on Mrs Croft’s side, to give a bias of any sort.  She was quite easy on that head, and consequently full of strength and courage, till for a moment electrified by Mrs Croft’s suddenly saying,—­

Project Gutenberg
Persuasion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.