Persuasion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Persuasion.
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Persuasion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Persuasion.

Such a letter was not to be soon recovered from.  Half an hour’s solitude and reflection might have tranquillized her; but the ten minutes only which now passed before she was interrupted, with all the restraints of her situation, could do nothing towards tranquillity.  Every moment rather brought fresh agitation.  It was overpowering happiness.  And before she was beyond the first stage of full sensation, Charles, Mary, and Henrietta all came in.

The absolute necessity of seeming like herself produced then an immediate struggle; but after a while she could do no more.  She began not to understand a word they said, and was obliged to plead indisposition and excuse herself.  They could then see that she looked very ill, were shocked and concerned, and would not stir without her for the world.  This was dreadful.  Would they only have gone away, and left her in the quiet possession of that room it would have been her cure; but to have them all standing or waiting around her was distracting, and in desperation, she said she would go home.

“By all means, my dear,” cried Mrs Musgrove, “go home directly, and take care of yourself, that you may be fit for the evening.  I wish Sarah was here to doctor you, but I am no doctor myself.  Charles, ring and order a chair.  She must not walk.”

But the chair would never do.  Worse than all!  To lose the possibility of speaking two words to Captain Wentworth in the course of her quiet, solitary progress up the town (and she felt almost certain of meeting him) could not be borne.  The chair was earnestly protested against, and Mrs Musgrove, who thought only of one sort of illness, having assured herself with some anxiety, that there had been no fall in the case; that Anne had not at any time lately slipped down, and got a blow on her head; that she was perfectly convinced of having had no fall; could part with her cheerfully, and depend on finding her better at night.

Anxious to omit no possible precaution, Anne struggled, and said—­

“I am afraid, ma’am, that it is not perfectly understood.  Pray be so good as to mention to the other gentlemen that we hope to see your whole party this evening.  I am afraid there had been some mistake; and I wish you particularly to assure Captain Harville and Captain Wentworth, that we hope to see them both.”

“Oh! my dear, it is quite understood, I give you my word.  Captain Harville has no thought but of going.”

“Do you think so?  But I am afraid; and I should be so very sorry.  Will you promise me to mention it, when you see them again?  You will see them both this morning, I dare say.  Do promise me.”

“To be sure I will, if you wish it.  Charles, if you see Captain Harville anywhere, remember to give Miss Anne’s message.  But indeed, my dear, you need not be uneasy.  Captain Harville holds himself quite engaged, I’ll answer for it; and Captain Wentworth the same, I dare say.”

Project Gutenberg
Persuasion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.