An English Garner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about An English Garner.

An English Garner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about An English Garner.

Or, suppose that you have a mind to commend to your people, Kingly Government:  you must not take any place that is plainly to the purpose! but’ that of the Evangelist, Seek first the Kingdom of GOD!  From which words, the doctrine will plainly be, that Monarchy or Kingly Government is most according to the mind of GOD.  For it is not said, “seek the Parliament of GOD!” “the Army of GOD!” or “the Committee of Safety of GOD!” but it is “seek the Kingdom of GOD!” And who could expect less?  Immediately after this [i.e., this argument], the King came in, and the Bishops were restored [1660 A.D.].

Again, Sir (because I would willingly be understood), suppose you design to preach about Election and Reprobation.  As for the eighth chapter to the Romans, that is too well known! but there is a little private place in the Psalms that will do the business as well!  Psalm xc. 19, In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.

The doctrine, which naturally flows from the words, will be that amongst the multitude of thoughts, there is a great thought of Election and Reprobation; and then, away with the Point! according as the preacher is inclined.

Or suppose, lastly, that you were not fully satisfied that Pluralities were lawful or convenient.  May I be so bold, Sir?  I pray, what Text would you choose to preach up against non-residents?  Certainly, nothing ever was better picked than that of St. Matthew i. 2. ABRAHAM begat ISAAC.  A clear place against non-residents! for “had ABRAHAM not resided, but had discontinued from SARAH his wife, he could never have begotten ISAAC!”

But it is high time, Sir, to make an end of their preaching, lest you be as much tired with the repetition of it, as the people were little benefited when they heard it.

I shall only mind you, Sir, of one thing more; and that is [4] the ridiculous, senseless, and unintended use which many of them make of Concordances.

I shall give you but one instance of it, although I could furnish you with a hundred printed ones.

The Text, Sir, is this, Galatians vi. 15, For in CHRIST JESUS neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision avail anything; but a new creature.  Now, all the world knows the meaning of this to be, that, let a man be of what nation he will, Jew or Gentile, if he amends his life, and walks according to the Gospel, he shall be accepted with GOD.

But this is not the way that pleases them!  They must bring into the sermon, to no purpose at all! a vast heap of places of Scripture, which the Concordance will furnish them with, where the word new is mentioned.

Project Gutenberg
An English Garner from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.