An English Garner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about An English Garner.

An English Garner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about An English Garner.

Another, he falls upon that of Isaiah lviii. 5, Is it such a fast that I have chosen?  A day for a man to afflict his soul?  Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush? The Observation is that “Repentance for an hour, or a day, is not worth a bulrush!” And, there, I think, he hit the business!

But of these, Sir, I can shew you a whole book full, in a treatise called Flames and Discoveries, consisting of very notable and extraordinary things which the inquisitive Author had privately observed and discovered, upon reading the Evangelists; as for example: 

Upon reading that of St. John, chapter ii. verse 15, And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the Temple; this prying Divine makes these discoveries, “I discover,” says he, “in the first place, that in the Church or Temple, a scourge may be made, And when he had made a scourge.  Secondly, that it may be made use of, he drove them all out of the Temple.”  And it was a great chance that he had not discovered a third thing; and that is, that the scourge was made, before it was made use of.
Upon Matthew iv. 25, And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, “I discover,” says he, “when JESUS prevails with us, we shall soon leave our Galilees!  I discover also,” says he, “a great miracle, viz.:  that the way after JESUS being straight, that such a multitude should follow him.”
Matthew v. 1. And seeing the multitude, he went up into a mountain.  Upon this, he discovers several very remarkable things.  First, he discovers that “CHRIST went from the multitude.”  Secondly, that “it is safe to take warning at our eyes, for seeing the multitude, he went up.”  Thirdly, “it is not fit to be always upon the plains and flats with the multitude:  but, if we be risen with CHRIST, to seek those things that are above.”
He discovers also very strange things, from the latter part of the fore-mentioned verse. And when he was set, his disciples came unto him. 1.  CHRIST is not always in motion, And when he was set. 2.  He walks not on the mountain, but sits, And when he was set.  From whence also, in the third place, he advises people, that “when they are teaching they should not move too much, for that is to be carried to and fro with every wind of doctrine.”  Now, certainly, never was this place of Scripture more seasonably brought in.
Now, Sir, if you be for a very short and witty discovery, let it be upon that of St. Matthew vi. 27. Which of you, by taking thought, can add one cubit unto his stature? The discovery is this, that “whilst the disciples were taking thought for a cubit; CHRIST takes them down a cubit lower!”
Notable also are two discoveries made upon St. Matthew viii. 1. 1.  That
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An English Garner from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.