His arrest and imprisonment
The trial of Paul before Felix
Character of Felix
Paul kept a prisoner by Felix
Paul’s defence before Festus
Paul appeals to Caesar
Paul preaches before Agrippa
His voyage to Italy
Paul’s life at Rome
Character of Paul
His magnificent services
His triumphant death
The Wailing Wall of the Jews
After the painting by J.L. Gerome.
Abraham and Hagar
After the painting by Adrian van der Werff.
Joseph Sold by His Brethren.
After the painting by H.F. Schopin.
Erection of Public Building in the Time of Rameses
After the painting by Sir Edward J. Poynter.
Pharaoh Pursues the Israelites Across the Red Sea
After the painting by F.A. Bridgman.
From the statue by Michael Angelo, Rome.
David Kills Goliath
After the painting by W.L. Dodge.
From the statue by Michael Angelo, Florence.
Elijah’s Sacrifice Consumed by Fire from Heaven
After the painting by C.G. Pfannschmidt.
From the fresco in the Sistine Chapel, by Michael
A Sacrifice to Baal
After the painting by Henri Motte.
The Jews Led Into Babylonian Captivity
After the painting by E. Bendeman.
St. Paul Preaching at the Foot of the Acropolis
After the painting by Gebhart Fuegel.
From a religious point of view, Abraham appears to us, after the lapse of nearly four thousand years, as the most august character in history. He may not have had the genius and learning of Moses, nor his executive ability; but as a religious thinker, inspired to restore faith in the world and the worship of the One God, it would be difficult to find a man more favored or more successful. He is the spiritual father equally of Jews, Christians, and Mohammedans, in their warfare with idolatry. In this sense, he is the spiritual progenitor of all those nations, tribes, and peoples who now acknowledge, or who may hereafter acknowledge, a personal God, supreme and eternal in the universe which He created. Abraham is the religious father of all those who associate with this personal and supreme Deity a providential oversight of this world,—a being whom all are required to worship, and alone to worship, as the only true God whose right it is to reign, and who does reign, and will reign forever and ever over everything that exists, animate or inanimate, visible or invisible, known or unknown, in the mighty universe of whose glory and grandeur we have such overwhelming yet indefinite conceptions.