A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 8 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 460 pages of information about A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 8.

A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 8 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 460 pages of information about A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 8.

ELY.  A God’s name, let him; he hath my good will.

JOHN.  Well, Warman, this proud priest I cannot brook. 
But to our other matter:  send thy wife away.

WAR.  Go in, good wife; the prince with me hath private conference.

WIFE.  By my troth, ye will anger me:  now ye have the pattern, ye should call me nothing but Mistress Sheriff; for I tell you I stand upon my replications. [Exit.

JOHN.  Thinkest thou that Marian means
To ’scape this evening hence with Robin Hood? 
The horse-boy told me so; and here he comes,
Disguised like a citizen, methinks. 
Warman, let’s in; I’ll fit him presently: 
Only for Marian am I now his enemy.


Enter ROBIN, like a citizen.

ROB.  H. Earl John[177] and Warman, two good friends of mine: 
I think they knew me not, or if they did
I care not what can follow.  I am sure
The sharpest end is death, and that will come. 
But what of death or sorrow do I dream? 
My Marian, my fair life, my beauteous love
Is coming, to give comfort to my grief,
And the sly queen, intending to deceive,
Hath taught us how we should her sleights receive.[178]
But who is this?  God’s pity! here’s Prince John.

JOHN.  Good even, sir.  This clear evening should portend
Some frost, I think:  how judge you, honest friend?

ROB.  H. I am not weather-wise; but it may be
We shall have hard frost; for true charity,
Good dealing, faithful friendship, honesty,
Are chill-cold, dead with cold.

JOHN.  O good sir, stay,
That frost hath lasted many a bitter day. 
Know ye no frozen hearts that are belov’d?

ROB.  H. Love is a flame, a fire, that being moved,
Still brighter grows.  But say, are you beloved?

JOHN.  I would be, if I be not:  but pass that. 
Are ye a dweller in this city, pray?

ROB.  H. I am; and for a gentlewoman stay,
That rides some four or five mile in great haste.

    Enter QUEEN and MARIAN.[179]

JOHN.  I see your labour, sir, is not in waste,
For here come two; are either of these yours?

ROB.  H. Both are—­one most.[180]

JOHN.  Which do you most respect?

ROB.  H. The youngest and the fairest I reject.

JOHN.  Robin, I’ll try you, whether ye say true. [Aside.

ROB.  H. As you with me, so, John, I’ll jest with you. [Aside.

QU.  ELIN.  Marian, let me go first to Robin Hood,
And I will tell him what we do intend.

MAR.  Do what your highness please; your will is mine.

JOHN.  My mother is with gentle Marian: 
O, it doth grieve her to be left behind.

QU.  ELIN.  Shall we away, my Robin, lest the queen
Betray our purpose? sweet, let us away: 
I have great will to go, no heart to stay.

Project Gutenberg
A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 8 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.