Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4.

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4.

They thought me very singular; and with reason:  but as I liked them not so very well as to forego my own choice in compliment to them, I was the less concerned for what they thought.—­And still the less, as Mr. Lovelace had put me very much out of humour with him.

They, however, cautioned me against melancholy.  I said, I should be a very unhappy creature if I could not bear my own company.

Mr. Lovelace said, that he must let the ladies into my story, and then they would know how to allow for my ways.  But, my dear, as you love me, said the confident wretch, give as little way to melancholy as possible.  Nothing but the sweetness of your temper, and your high notions of a duty that never can be deserved where you place it, can make you so uneasy as you are.—­Be not angry, my dear love, for saying so, [seeing me frown, I suppose:] and snatched my hand and kissed it.—­I left him with them; and retired to my closet and my pen.

Just as I have written thus far, I am interrupted by a message from him, that he is setting out on a journey, and desires to take my commands.—­So here I will leave off, to give him a meeting in the dining-room.

I was not displeased to see him in his riding-dress.

He seemed desirous to know how I liked the gentlewomen below.  I told him, that although I did not think them very exceptionable; yet as I wanted not, in my present situation, new acquaintance, I should not be fond of cultivating theirs.

He urged me still farther on this head.

I could not say, I told him, that I greatly liked either of the young gentlewomen, any more than their aunt:  and that, were my situation ever so happy, they had much too gay a turn for me.

He did not wonder, he said, to hear me say so.  He knew not any of the sex, who had been accustomed to show themselves at the town diversions and amusements, that would appear tolerable to me.  Silences and blushes, Madam, are now no graces with our fine ladies in town.  Hardened by frequent public appearances, they would be as much ashamed to be found guilty of these weaknesses, as men.

Do you defend these two gentlewomen, Sir, by reflections upon half the sex?  But you must second me, Mr. Lovelace, (and yet I am not fond of being thought particular,) in my desire of breakfasting and supping (when I do sup) by myself.

If I would have it so, to be sure it should be so.  The people of the house were not of consequence enough to be apologized to, in any point where my pleasure was concerned.  And if I should dislike them still more on further knowledge of them, he hoped I would think of some other lodgings.

He expressed a good deal of regret at leaving me, declaring, that it was absolutely in obedience to my commands:  but that he could not have consented to go, while my brother’s schemes were on foot, if I had not done him the credit of my countenance in the report he had made that we were married; which, he said, had bound all the family to his interest, so that he could leave me with the greater security and satisfaction.

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Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.