Journals of Australian Explorations eBook

Augustus Gregory
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 458 pages of information about Journals of Australian Explorations.

Journals of Australian Explorations eBook

Augustus Gregory
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 458 pages of information about Journals of Australian Explorations.

13th December.

Leaving our bivouac at 5.30 a.m., followed the valley of the river, passing the ridge at back of Steep Head at 10.0., and halted at Timber Creek at 11.0.  The heavy rains which occurred in Beagle Valley do not appear to have extended to this part of the country, and the grass is still dry and withered.  At 2.30 p.m. resumed our route and reached the principal camp at 6.30, and found the party all well, except Richards, who was still suffering severely from the injury to his wrist.  Mr. Baines was absent, having started on Wednesday in search of two horses which had strayed to the westward.


14th December.

Messrs. Baines and Bowman returned with the stray horses, having found them on the bank of a small river fifteen miles to the west of the camp.  This river, which I named the Baines River, has considerable pools of fresh water in its bed, which comes from the south-west, and flows into the large salt-water creek above Curiosity Peak.  On one occasion Messrs. Baines and Bowman had halted to rest during the heat of the day, when they observed some blacks creeping towards them in the high grass; but, on finding they were observed, retired and soon returned openly with augmented numbers and approached with their spears shipped; but Mr. Baines and his companion having mounted their horses, galloped sharply towards them, and the blacks retreated with great precipitation.  Mr. H. Gregory brought in the greater part of the horses; but as they had scattered very much in search of green grass, many of the horses were ten miles from the camp.  Men employed cutting and carrying timber for the repair of the schooner, which work is progressing satisfactorily; computing astronomical observations.

15th December.

Party employed as before.  One of the mares is reported to have foaled a fine filly.  Thundershowers are frequent, and the country near the camp is clothed with verdure.  Rode out with Mr. H. Gregory and Mr. Baines to bring in some horses which had strayed, and which, after several hours’ tracking, we found and brought to the camp.  The horses are now much improved, and, with the exception of three which are still very weak, are now in a serviceable condition, though few are capable of carrying heavy loads or performing long journeys; but as grass and water are now abundant for the first 100 miles of the route towards the interior, I hope that by travelling easy stages the horses will improve, and preparations are being made for commencing the journey early in January.  The country being impracticable for drays, and as the sheep cannot be driven with advantage, owing to the high grass and reeds, it is necessary to constitute the party so that the whole equipment can be conveyed by pack-horses, to accomplish which the party proceeding to the interior must not exceed nine in number, for which the horses are capable of conveying five months’ provisions and equipment.  The remaining half of the party will have full employment in the repair of the schooner and care of the stores—­points of vital importance to the Expedition.  It is therefore proposed to make the following division of the party, which, under existing circumstances, appears to me the most eligible.

Project Gutenberg
Journals of Australian Explorations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.