Tales for Young and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about Tales for Young and Old.

Tales for Young and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about Tales for Young and Old.

By the time he got below, the motion and the cool air had aroused the lad, and with his recollection, revived his repugnance to the work before him; but he saw no means of avoiding it, and with an unwilling step he proceeded to the yard where the carriage stood, and having found the axe, he was returning with it, when he observed hanging against the wall, a large horn or trumpet.  Now, he had seen such a thing at several of the post-houses on the road, and he remembered to have heard one sounded on the night they slept in the mountains, when the travellers arrived late, and prevented the projected assassination.  Instinctively, and without pausing to reflect how he should excuse himself—­for if he had, he could not have done it—­he placed the instrument to his mouth, and lustily blew it:  and then, terrified at his temerity, and its probable consequences, rushed into the house, and up the stairs, again to his master.

‘The travellers’ horn!’ said Mazzuolo frantically.  The lad was too frightened to speak, but stood still, pale and trembling.  ‘Wait,’ continued the Italian; ’perhaps it may only be for horses, and they may go on again.  I hear the people stirring.’

Feet were indeed heard upon the stairs, and presently a lantern gleamed beneath the window.  ‘I hear no carriage,’ observed Mazzuolo.  And for some time they sat listening; but there being no appearance of any travellers, he said he would go below and see how matters stood.

‘Nobody is yet arrived,’ said the master of the post-house in answer to his inquiries; ’but doubtless the signal was given by the avant-courier, who has rode on to the next station; and the carriage will be here presently.  We must be ready with the horses.’  As the travellers, however, did not arrive, but continued to be expected, the postmaster and the postilions remained up to watch for them; and when four o’clock came, Karl was bidden go to bed, as nothing could be attempted under such circumstances.

‘Now,’ said Mazzuolo, on the following day, ’we sleep to-night at Meitingen, which is our last station.  I know the place; it is too busy a house for a coup de main; we must try the charcoal again; but this time we must be sure of our game.’

Karl hoped there might be no stoves in the bed-chamber; but it was a well-furnished house, and there were.  Adelaide said how glad she should be to have a fire again, she had suffered so much by the want of one, and desired Karl to light hers early.  It appeared, however, that the servant of the house had already done it.  Mazzuolo said:  ’So much the better.  The stove will get well heated, and when you put in the charcoal, there will be no danger of its not burning.’  And Tina suggested that that should not be done till just before Adelaide went to bed, lest she should perceive the effects of the vapour whilst she was undressing.

Project Gutenberg
Tales for Young and Old from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.