Tales for Young and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about Tales for Young and Old.

Tales for Young and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about Tales for Young and Old.

Amy dared not oppose her father’s commands, and took the offered purse in silence.

As might be expected, the knowledge of Miss Beaufort’s intended departure drew from Herbert Lyddiard a full confession of his long-cherished love; and Amy could not deny that it was reciprocal, though she thought it right to make known to him the cruel prohibition her father had enjoined.  The mother strove to console the young couple, by representing that it was probable that some change might take place which would induce Mr Beaufort to withdraw his opposition to their union, and counselled Amy for the present to yield implicit obedience to her father’s commands.  ’You are yet very young, my dear children,’ she said, ’and that directing Providence which has hitherto smiled upon your early attachment, will not, I trust, see fit to sever you.’

The dreaded summons came within a week, Beaufort not thinking it safe for her to remain longer than necessity obliged in the neighbourhood of her humble lover’s residence.  He received her in an elegant house in the vicinity of Portman Square, which in this brief time he had handsomely furnished and provided with servants.  Amy entered it with a sickening heart; and, as he led her from room to room, demanding her approbation, she felt more disposed to weep than to rejoice.

‘Amy,’ he said, when they were quite alone in the room designed for his studio, ’you are to reign mistress here; but be careful never to drop a hint regarding the humble manner in which you have lived for so many years; no one must surmise that we have been in poverty, or our ruin is certain.  I intend giving an entertainment to my friends a few nights hence, and then I shall introduce you to society; meantime I expect that you will provide yourself with elegant and appropriate attire for the occasion; for on you much of my success may depend.’

‘On me!’ Amy exclaimed in astonishment; then recollecting herself, she added:  ’If you mean on my exertions, father, you may still depend upon them.’

’No, I do not mean your exertions, though at present I must avail myself of your assistance; but I mean by the manner in which you receive my friends.  Amy,’ he continued, looking steadily in his daughter’s face, ’you are possessed of uncommon beauty; you are doubtless aware of it.  Herbert Lyddiard has not failed, I daresay, to tell you so.  A beautiful young woman is at all times a powerful attraction, and to me it is everything, to extend the circle of my acquaintances.’

Amy’s cheek, which had been flushed by the former part of this speech, turned deadly pale at its conclusion.  How could she, who had all her life been shut out from society, entertain her father’s male guests—­she, a retiring and almost ignorant girl, without one female friend or adviser?  She did not speak; but Beaufort saw that powerful feelings were agitating her breast, and strove to laugh away what he termed her foolish fears.

Project Gutenberg
Tales for Young and Old from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.