[869] Johnson said of Campbell:—’I am afraid he has not been in the inside of a church for many years; but he never passes a church without pulling off his hat. This shows that he has good principles.’ Ante, i. 418.
[870] New horse-shoeing Husbandry, by Jethro Tull, 1733.
[871] ‘He owned he sometimes talked for victory.’ Ante, iv. 111, and v. 17.
[872] ’They said that a great family had a bard and a senachi, who were the poet and historian of the house; and an old gentleman told me that he remembered one of each. Here was a dawn of intelligence.... Another conversation informed me that the same man was both bard and senachi. This variation discouraged me.... Soon after I was told by a gentleman, who is generally acknowledged the greatest master of Hebridian antiquities, that there had, indeed, once been both bards and senachies; and that senachi signified the man of talk, or of conversation; but that neither bard nor senachi had existed for some centuries.’ Johnson’s Works, ix. 109.
[873] See ante, iii. 41, 327
[874] ’Towards evening Sir Allan told us that Sunday never passed over him like another day. One of the ladies read, and read very well, the evening service;—“and Paradise was opened in the wild."’ Piozzi Letters, i. 173. The quotation is from Pope’s Eloisa to Abelard, l. 134:—
’You raised these
hallowed walls; the desert smil’d,
And Paradise was
open’d in the wild.’
[875] He sent these verses to Boswell in 1775. Ante ii. 293.
[876] Boswell wrote to Johnson on Feb. 2, 1775, (ante, ii. 295):—’Lord Hailes bids me tell you he doubts whether—
“Legitimas faciunt pectora pura preces,”
be according to the rubrick, but that is your concern; for you know, he is a Presbyterian.’
[877] In Johnson’s Works, i. 167, these lines are given with amendments and additions, mostly made by Johnson, but some, Mr. Croker believes, by Mr. Langton. In the following copy the variations are marked in italics.
Parva quidem regio sed
religione priorum
Caledonias panditur inter aquas.
Voce ubi Cennethus populos
domuisse feroces
et vanos dedocuisse deos.
Huc ego delatus placido
per caerula cursu,
Scire locus
volui quid daret iste novi.
Illic Leniades humili
regnabat in aula,
magnis nobilitatus avis.
Una duas cepit
casa cum genitore puellas,
Quas Amor
undarum crederet esse deas.
Nec tamen inculti
gelidis latuere sub antris,
Accola Danubii
qualia saevus habet.
Mollia non desunt
vacuae solatia vitae
Sive libros
poscant otia, sive lyram.
Fulserat illa