Life of Johnson, Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 5.

Life of Johnson, Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 730 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 5.

At Lady Colvill’s, to whom I am proud to introduce any stranger of eminence, that he may see what dignity and grace is to be found in Scotland, an officer observed, that he had heard Lord Mansfield was not a great English lawyer.  JOHNSON.  ’Why, Sir, supposing Lord Mansfield not to have the splendid talents which he possesses, he must be a great English lawyer, from having been so long at the bar, and having passed through so many of the great offices of the law.  Sir, you may as well maintain that a carrier, who has driven a packhorse between Edinburgh and Berwick for thirty years, does not know the road, as that Lord Mansfield does not know the law of England[1092].’

At Mr. Nairne’s, he drew the character of Richardson, the authour of Clarissa, with a strong yet delicate pencil.  I lament much that I have not preserved it; I only remember that he expressed a high opinion of his talents and virtues; but observed, that ’his perpetual study was to ward off petty inconveniences, and procure petty pleasures; that his love of continual superiority was such, that he took care to be always surrounded by women[1093], who listened to him implicitly, and did not venture to controvert his opinions; and that his desire of distinction was so great, that he used to give large vails to the Speaker Onslow’s servants, that they might treat him with respect.’

On the same evening, he would not allow that the private life of a Judge, in England, was required to be so strictly decorous as I supposed.  ’Why then, Sir, (said I,) according to your account, an English judge may just live like a gentleman.’  JOHNSON.  ’Yes, Sir[1094],—­if he can.’

At Mr. Tytler’s, I happened to tell that one evening, a great many years ago, when Dr. Hugh Blair and I were sitting together in the pit of Drury-lane play-house, in a wild freak of youthful extravagance, I entertained the audience prodigiously[1095], by imitating the lowing of a cow.  A little while after I had told this story, I differed from Dr. Johnson, I suppose too confidently, upon some point, which I now forget.  He did not spare me.  ’Nay, Sir, (said he,) if you cannot talk better as a man, I’d have you bellow like a cow[1096].’

At Dr. Webster’s, he said, that he believed hardly any man died without affectation.  This remark appears to me to be well founded, and will account for many of the celebrated death-bed sayings which are recorded[1097].

On one of the evenings at my house, when he told that Lord Lovat boasted to an English nobleman, that though he had not his wealth, he had two thousand men whom he could at any time call into the field, the Honourable Alexander Gordon observed, that those two thousand men brought him to the block.  ’True, Sir, (said Dr. Johnson:) but you may just as well argue, concerning a man who has fallen over a precipice to which he has walked too near,—­“His two legs brought him to that,” is he not the better for having two legs?’

Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 5 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.