American Big Game in Its Haunts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about American Big Game in Its Haunts.

American Big Game in Its Haunts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about American Big Game in Its Haunts.
who possesses the untarnished courage of ignorance and youth.  It seems to me that this system of small refuges would have the merit of fairness both to the hunters and to the deer, and it is respectfully submitted to the legislators of the United States.  This may seem one of the simplest of solutions, and hardly worth a summer’s cruise to discover.  It may prove that this is not the first occasion when the simplest solution is the best.  Because a thing is simple it is not always the case, however, that it finds the most ready acceptance.  If, in my humble capacity of public service, I am the indirect means of this being accomplished, I shall feel that my summer’s work was not altogether in vain.

Alden Sampson.

[Illustration:  TEMISKAMING MOOSE.]

Temiskaming Moose

The accompanying photographs of moose were taken about the middle of July, 1902, on the Montreal river, which flows from the Ontario side into Lake Temiskaming.

A number of snap shots were obtained during the three days’ stay in this vicinity, but the others were at longer range and the animals appear very small in the negative.

As is well known, during the hot summer months the moose are often to be found feeding on the lily pads or cooling themselves in the water, being driven from the bush where there are heat, mosquitoes and flies.

Not having been shot at nor hunted, all the moose at this time seemed rather easy to approach.  Two of these pictures are of one bull, and the other two of one cow, the two animals taken on different occasions.  I got three snaps of each before they were too far away.  When first sighted, each was standing nibbling at the lily pads, and the final spurt in the canoe was made in each case while the animal stood with head clear under the water, feeding at the bottom.  The distance of each of the first photographs taken was from 45 to 55 feet.

Paul J. Dashiell.

[Illustration:  A KAHRIGUR TIGER.]

Two Trophies from India

In the early part of March, 1898, my friend, Mr. E. Townsend Irvin, and I arrived at the bungalow of Mr. Younghusband, who was Commissioner of the Province of Raipur, in Central India.  Mr. Younghusband very kindly gave us a letter to his neighbor, the Rajah of Kahrigur, who furnished us with shikaris, beaters, bullock carts, two ponies and an elephant.  We had varied success the first three weeks, killing a bear, several nilghai, wild boar and deer.

One afternoon our beaters stationed themselves on three sides of a rocky hill and my friend and I were placed at the open end some two hundred yards apart.  The beaters had hardly begun to beat their tom toms and yell, when a roar came from the brow of the hill, and presently a large tiger came out from some bushes at the foot.  He came cantering along in a clumsy fashion over an open space, affording us an excellent shot, and when he was broadside on we both fired, breaking his back.  He could not move his hind legs, but stood up on his front paws.  Approaching closer, we shot him in a vital spot.

Project Gutenberg
American Big Game in Its Haunts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.