Thirty Years a Slave eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 175 pages of information about Thirty Years a Slave.

Thirty Years a Slave eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 175 pages of information about Thirty Years a Slave.

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The cotton worm.

A cut worm was troublesome sometimes; but the plants were watched very carefully, and as soon as any signs of worms were seen work for their destruction was commenced.  The majority of the eggs were laid upon the calyx and involucre.  The worm, after gnawing through its enclosed shell, makes its first meal upon the part of the plant upon which the egg was laid, be it leaf, stem or involucre.  If it were laid upon the leaf, as was usually the case, it might be three days before the worm reached the boll; but were the eggs laid upon the involucre the worm pierced through within twenty-four hours after hatching.  The newly hatched boll worm walks like a geometrical larva or looper, a measuring worm as it was called.  This is easily explained by the fact that while in the full grown worm the abdominal legs, or pro legs, are nearly equal in length, in the newly hatched worm the second pair are slightly shorter than the third, and the first pair are shorter and slenderer than the second—­a state of things approaching that in the full grown cotton worm, though the difference in size in the former case is not nearly so marked as in the latter.  This method of walking is lost with the first or second molt.  There is nothing remarkable about these young larvae.  They seem to be thicker in proportion to their length than the young cotton worms, and they have not so delicate and transparent an appearance.  Their heads are black and their bodies seem already to have begun to vary in color.  The body above is furnished with sparse, stiff hairs, each arising from a tubercle.  I have often watched the newly hatched boll while in the cotton fields.  When hatched from an egg which had been deposited upon a leaf, they invariably made their first meal on the substance of the leaf, and then wandered about for a longer or shorter space of time, evidently seeking a boll or flower bud.  It was always interesting to watch this seemingly aimless search of the young worm, crawling first down the leaf stem and then back, then dropping a few inches by a silken thread and then painfully working its way back again, until, at last, it found the object of its search, or fell to the ground where it was destroyed by ants.  As the boll worms increase in size a most wonderful diversity of color and marking becomes apparent.  In color different worms will vary from a brilliant green to a deep pink or dark brown, exhibiting almost every conceivable intermediate stage from an immaculate, unstriped specimen to one with regular spots and many stripes.  The green worms were more common than those of any other color—­a common variety was a very light green.  When these worms put in an appearance it raised a great excitement among the planters.  We did not use any poison to destroy them, as I learn is the method now employed.

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The cotton harvest.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years a Slave from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.