The Principles of Success in Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Principles of Success in Literature.

The Principles of Success in Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Principles of Success in Literature.

Let us see the same principle exhibited in a passage at once pictorial and argumentative.  “We know more certainly every day,” says Ruskin, “that whatever appears to us harmful in the universe has some beneficent or necessary operation; that the storm which destroys a harvest brightens the sunbeams for harvests yet unsown, and that a volcano which buries a city preserves a thousand from destruction.  But the evil is not for the time less fearful because we have learned it to be necessary; and we can easily understand the timidity or the tenderness of the spirit which could withdraw itself from the presence of destruction, and create in its imagination a world of which the peace should be unbroken, in which the sky should not darken nor the sea rage, in which the leaf should not change nor the blossom wither.  That man is greater, however, who contemplates with an equal mind the alternations of terror and of beauty; who, not rejoicing less beneath the sunny sky, can also bear to watch the bars of twilight narrowing on the horizon; and, not less sensible to the blessing of the peace of nature, can rejoice in the magnificence of the ordinances by which that peace is protected and secured.  But separated from both by an immeasurable distance would be the man who delighted in convulsion and disease for their own sake; who found his daily food in the disorder of nature mingled with the suffering of humanity; and watched joyfully at the right hand of the Angel whose appointed work is to destroy as well as to accuse, while the corners of the house of feasting were struck by the wind from the wilderness.”

I will now cite a passage from Burke, which will seem tame after the pictorial animation of the passages from Macaulay and Ruskin; but which, because it is simply an exposition of opinions addressed to the understanding, will excellently illustrate the principle I am enforcing.  He is treating of the dethronement of kings.  “As it was not made for common abuses, so it is not to be agitated by common minds.  The speculative line of demarcation, where obedience ought to end and resistance must begin, is faint, obscure, and not easily definable.  It is not a single act or a single event which determines it.  Governments must be abused and deranged, indeed, before it can be thought of; and the prospect of the future must be as bad as the experience of the past.  When things are in that lamentable condition, the nature of the disease is to indicate the remedy to those whom nature has qualified to administer in extremities this critical, ambiguous, bitter potion to a distempered state.  Times and occasions and provocations will teach their own lessons.  The wise will determine from the gravity of the case; the irritable from sensibility to oppression; the high-minded from disdain and indignation at abusive power in unworthy hands; the brave and bold from love of honourable danger in a generous cause.  But with or without right, a revolution will be the very last resource of the thinking and the good.”

Project Gutenberg
The Principles of Success in Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.