The Crisis of the Naval War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Crisis of the Naval War.

The Crisis of the Naval War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Crisis of the Naval War.

Deputy First Sea Lord.  Civil Lord. 
(Rear-Admiral G.P.W.  Hope.) (Right Hon. E.G.  Pretyman,

(Sir A.G.  Anderson.)

Second Civil Lord. 
(Mr. A.F.  Pease.)

Financial Secretary. 
(Right Hon. T.J.  Macnamara, M.P.)

Permanent Secretary. 
(Sir O. Murray.)

The principle of isolating the work of planning and directing naval war operations from all other work, in order that it may receive the entire attention of the Officers selected for its performance, is now being carried a stage further and applied systematically to the organization of the Operations side of the Board and that of the Naval Staff.

In future the general distribution of duties between the Members of the Board belonging to the Naval Staff will be as follows:—­

FIRST SEA LORD AND CHIEF   Naval policy and general direction
OF NAVAL STAFF                of operations.
DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL      War operations in Home
STAFF                         Waters.
ASSISTANT CHIEF OF NAVAL   Trade Protection and
STAFF                         anti-submarine operations.

  DEPUTY FIRST SEA LORD General policy questions and
                                operations outside Home

The detailed arrangements have been carefully worked out so as to relieve the first three of these officers of the necessity of dealing with any questions not directly connected with the main operations of the war, and the great mass of important paper work and administrative detail which is inseparably and necessarily connected with Staff work, but which has hitherto tended to compete for attention with Operations work generally will under the new organization be diverted to the Deputy First Sea Lord.

The grouping of the Directors of the Naval Staff Divisions will be governed by the same principle.

The only two Directors that will work immediately under the First Sea Lord will be the Director of Intelligence Division (Rear-Admiral Sir Reginald Hall) and the Director of Training and Staff Duties (Rear-Admiral J. C. Ley), whose functions obviously affect all the other Staff Divisions alike.

Under the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff will be grouped three Directors whose duties will relate entirely to the planning and direction of operations in the main sphere of naval activity, viz.:—­

Director of Operations Division Captain A.D.P.  Pound. 

Director of Plans Division Captain C.T.M.  Fuller,
C.M.G., D.S.O.

Director of Air Division Wing Captain F.R.  Scarlett,

together with the Director of Signals Division, Acting-Captain R.L.  Nicholson, D.S.O., whose duties relate to the system of Fleet communications.

Under the Assistant Chief of Naval Staff will be grouped four Directors, whose duties relate to Trade Protection and Anti-Submarine Operations, viz:—­

Project Gutenberg
The Crisis of the Naval War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.