Minesweeping craft, damage caused by mines to,
gallantry of officers and men of,
Minesweeping Division, formation of the,
Minesweeping, introduction of a chain-sweep,
statistics for 1916, 1917,
Ministry of Munitions, formation of,
Mobilization and Movements Department, formation of,
Monitor M15, loss of,
Monitors, bombardment of enemy ports by,
Morris, Sub-Lieutenant K.,
Motor boats, coastal,
launches as submarine hunters,
fitted with hydrophones,
in home waters and in the Mediterranean,
Murray, Sir O.,
Nash, Mr., invents the “fish” hydrophone,
Naval Ordnance Department, the, changes in,
Naval Staff and the movements of convoys,
confers with masters of cargo steamers,
minesweeping section of,
Operations Division of, strengthened,
reorganization of,
Navy, the, a specialized profession,
considerations on the future of,
personnel of: importance of,
Staff work in,
work of, during 1917,
Nelson attacked and sunk,
Net barrage at Dover,
Net protection against torpedo fire,
at ports of assembly,
Nets as an anti-submarine measure,
New York and Hampton Roads convoy,
losses in 1917,
Nicholson, Captain R.L.,
North Foreland, the, naval guns mounted in vicinity
star shells supplied to,
North Sea barrage, the,
advantages and disadvantages of,
North Sea, the, convoy system at work in,
Norway convoy, the,
Oil tankers, serious loss of,
Oliver, Vice-Admiral Sir Henry,
and mining operations,
becomes D.C.N.S.,
his valuable work,
Ommanney, Admiral R.N., an appreciation of his services,
Operations Division of Naval Staff strengthened,
Ordnance production, delay in,
Ostend, bombardment of,
Otranto, hydrophone station at,
Otranto, Straits of, a drifter patrol attacked by
Austrian light
mining the,
“Otter” mine destroyers,
Outward-bound convoys, losses in,
Overseas trade, vessels sunk in 1917,
“P” Boats, fitted with “fish”
hunting flotillas of,
P. Fannon,
Page, Mr. W.H., relations with author,
Paget, Admiral Sir Alfred,
Paine, Commodore Godfrey,
joins the Air Council,
Palestine, work of the Navy off coast of,
Paravanes, and their use,
Pargust (decoy ship),
Partridge, sinking of,
Patrol craft and minesweeping services,
a tribute to officers and men of,
as decoy vessels,
hydrophones for,
lack of British,
retired officers volunteer for work in,
synopsis of losses among,
Patrol gunboats,
Pease, Mr. A.F.,
Pellew, damaged in action,
Persius, Captain, and the construction of German submarines,
Personnel of the Navy, importance of,
Piave, the, Austrian advance to,