The Crisis of the Naval War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Crisis of the Naval War.

The Crisis of the Naval War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about The Crisis of the Naval War.
the Scandinavian
Broke, action with German destroyers,
  conveys author to witness bombardment of Ostend,
Brown, Commander Yeats,
Browning, Vice-Admiral Sir Montague, confers with U.S.  Navy Department,
Bruges, aerial attacks on, as enemy base,
  enemy evacuation of,
proposed long-range bombardment of,
Burney, Admiral Sir Cecil, at Rosyth,
  Second Sea Lord,
Burney, Lieutenant Dennis, a clever device of,
Burton, Lieutenant G. E.,

Calais, enemy destroyer raids on,
Calthorpe, Admiral (see Gough-Calthorpe)
Campbell, Captain Gordon,
  awarded the V.C.,
  fights with submarines,
  sinks an enemy submarine,
Canadian Government asked to build vessels for use in Canadian waters,
Cape Grisnez-Folkestone mine barrage,
Capelle, Admiral von, and submarine construction,
Cardiff, instructional anti-submarine school at,
Carrington, Commander I.W.,
Carson, Sir Edward, a tribute to,
  and the defensive arming of merchant ships,
  becomes First Lord,
  leaves the Admiralty,
  offers post of Admiralty Controller to Sir Eric Geddes,
Cassady, Lieut.  G.L., awarded the D.S.C.,
Cattaro, Germans destroy their submarines at,
Cayley, Rear-Admiral C.G.,
Cayley, Commander H.F.,
Cervera, Admiral, and the Spanish-American War,
Chain-sweep, a, introduction of,
Chatham, gunnery courses for cadets and apprentices at,
  instructional anti-submarine school at,
Chief of the Staff, duties and responsibilities of,
Churchill, Right Hon. Winston, and Staff organization,
Coal-ships, French, convoy of,
Coastal motor boats,
Coastal traffic, regulation of:  typical instructions,
Colville, Admiral the Hon. Sir Stanley,
Constantinople, bombing operations in vicinity of,
Convoy commodores, appointment of,
Convoy Section of Trade Division of Naval Staff, the,
“Convoy sloops,”
Convoy system, the, a committee on, at the Admiralty,
  growth of,
  introduction of,
  successful organization and working of,
  the system at work,
Convoys, as protection against submarine attack:  success of,
  enemy attacks on,
  losses in homeward and outward bound,
Coode, Captain C.P.R.,
Crisp, Thomas, of the Nelson,
Cross-Channel sailings and losses,
Crystal Palace, Royal Naval Depot at,
  author’s visit to,

Dakar convoy, the,
Dare, Admiral Sir Charles,
Dartmouth, a successful attack on an enemy submarine off,
Dazzle painting for merchant ships, system of,
De Bon, Admiral,
De Chair, Rear-Admiral Sir Dudley, and the U.S. mission,
Decoy ships,
  and the convoy of merchant shipping,
  fitted with torpedo tubes,
  number of enemy submarines sunk by,
  typical actions fought by,
Delay action fuses,
Denison, Admiral John,
Depth charge throwers,
Depth charges,
  enemy submarine victims to,

Project Gutenberg
The Crisis of the Naval War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.