Twixt France and Spain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Twixt France and Spain.

Twixt France and Spain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Twixt France and Spain.

1-1/2 frs. with one horse; 2 frs. with two horses; by the hour, 2-1/2 and 3 frs. respectively.

Horses and Donkeys, 2 frs. and 1 fr. the hour, respectively.

Boats, from 2 frs. the hour, by arrangement.

Bankers and Money Changers.—­Dubos and Mauriac, opposite Grand

Post and Telegraph Office, Chemists, Grocers, &c.


Principal Drives and Excursion are:—­

To Moulleau, 2 miles through the forest.

To La Teste, 3 miles.

To the Oyster Beds, in the centre of the bay, on the Ile des

To the Lighthouse at Cape Ferret, across the basin, whence the
Biscay can be seen.

To the Dune de la Grave by boat, and across the forest to La Teste, visiting the giant trees (this must only be undertaken with an experienced guide).

ARGELES (1528 ft.), on the River Azun, in the Hautes-Pyrenees; with a genial climate that makes it a favourite resort very early in the year.  Some few people use it as a winter abode also.  Living costs “en pension” from 9 to 14 frs. per diem.

Hotels.—­De France; D’Angleterre || (cheaper than the France).

Carriages.—­At Limoges, || can be hired for the afternoon —­with one horse, 5 frs.; 2 horses, 8 frs.; 4 horses, 10 frs.; or by the day, or for any special excursion.

Horses, also from M. Limoges.  For the afternoon, 4 frs.; for the day, 8 to 10 frs. (N.B.—­These are spring prices, and not those of the season.)

Chemist.—­M.  Buale, near the Post Office.

Post and Telegraph Office, and a few shops.

The Chief Excursions are:—­

To the Villages of Ges, Serres, Salles, and Ourous—­a lovely ride, 2 hours; horses, 4 frs. each, pourboire, 1/2 fr.

Drive round the Valley, via Argeles station, the Chateau de Beaucens, Pierrefitte, and St. Savin, 2 hours 30 min.; carriage with 4 horses, 11 frs. 50 c., i.p.

Le Balandrau (1729 ft.).  Lovely walk; one hour there and back.

Pic de Pibeste (4548 ft.) An easy climb:  splendid view from the summit.

ARGELES-SUR-MER, 13-3/4 miles from Perpignan.  In the midst of fertile fields.  Ruins of the Castle de Pujols in the vicinity.

Hotels.—­D’Angleterre, De France.

ARLES-SUR-TECH (909 ft.), in the Eastern Pyrenees.  Chief town of the canton and the principal commercial centre in the Tech valley. 2-1/2 miles from Amelie, which was formerly known as Arles-les-Bains.  Trade with Algeria in apples; and in whip-handles with the whole of France.  Old twelfth-century church in the town; and outside, behind a grating, lies the tomb of the Saints Abdon and Sennen.

Hotels.—­Rousseau, Pujade.

ARREAU (2190 ft.), at the junction of the valley of Louron with the Aure valley, in the “Hautes-Pyrenees,” 23-3/4 miles from Bagneres de Bigorre and 19-1/4 from Luchon, on the direct mountain road. (Route Thermale.)

Project Gutenberg
Twixt France and Spain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.