Twixt France and Spain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Twixt France and Spain.

Twixt France and Spain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Twixt France and Spain.

Hotels.—­Pujade, Romains; Du Kursal, Farret, and Martinet.

Post and Telegraph Office, Cafes, Casino, Theatre, &c.—­Living is by no means expensive.  In the first-named hotels the charge per diem ought not to exceed 7frs. 50c. for “pension”; in the others it is cheaper.  The bathing establishments have excellent accommodation, twenty-seven baths, a large swimming bath, inhaling rooms, etc.:  There are doctors in connection with the baths and others resident in the town.  The scenery around is very pretty, and rich in groves of olive, cherry, cork, and fig trees, besides banks of heather and ferns, and clusters of honeysuckle.

The Chief Excursions are:—­

Prats de Mollo (2618 ft.), 12 1/2 miles by mule path—­15 by road; carriage (23 francs with pourboire) 5 1/4 hours.

Inns.—­Maillard; Guin-Come.

Preste-les-Bains, 19 miles—­8 1/2 hours; carriage 33 francs with pourboire.

Roc de France (4698 ft.):  splendid view; 6 1/2 hours there and back.  A stiff climb, fully compensated for by the expanse of scenery to be seen from the summit.

Gouffre de la Fou, 4 hours there and back—­guide necessary to descend to the bottom of the “Gouffre,” for which the “espadrilles” (cord sandals) must be worn.

Col de Faitg, Massanet, 6 hours there and back—­a very charming and picturesque excursion.

La Junguera, 20 miles; carriage 23 francs, i.p. [Footnote:  i.p., including pourboire.] The first Spanish village over the frontier; an interesting drive.

Le Pertus (958 ft.) 152 miles.  There and back 6 hours.  Carriage 23 francs, i.p. [Footnote:  i.p., including pourboire.]

From Amelie to Perpignan, or vice versa, 23 1/2 miles; a carriage with luggage costs 28 francs, i.p. [Footnote:  i.p., including pourboire.]

Carriages and Horses may be hired at Labrunie’s or Victor Olive’s.

Guide.—­Bertrand Oms at Aries.

ARCACHON [Footnote:  The Chaplain, Mr. Radcliffe, has issued an excellent guide-book for the locality.]—­Situated in the forest, and on the shores of the basin of the same name.  The English season is in winter, the French in summer.  A favourite resort on account of its mild and sedative climate.  Most people live in villas in the forest during the winter, where the strong winds are not felt, and where the mean temperature is 50 deg.  Fahr.  The calmness of the atmosphere, and the strong scent from the pines, has a beneficial tendency for those suffering from chest complaints.

To those who find it relaxing, Biarritz is recommended as a suitable change.

Hotels.—­Grand (on the Plage), Continental, Grand du Foret, &c.

Pensions.—­Villa Riquet || (Mons. Olle, proprietor), Villa Montretout, Villa Peyronnet, and Villa Buffon.

Chaplain.—­Rev. W. Radcliffe.

English Church, in the forest; services every Sunday.

Cabs, during the day from 6 A.M. to 8 P.M.  The course: 

Project Gutenberg
Twixt France and Spain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.