The Story of Louis Riel: the Rebel Chief eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Story of Louis Riel.

The Story of Louis Riel: the Rebel Chief eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Story of Louis Riel.

“Monsieur has poured no poison into my ear, ma chere.  He is a powerful man and a great patriot.  The people all love him; and, although he spoke rudely and bitterly to you, we must forgive him.  This we shall not find difficult to do, when we remember that his display of ill-feeling was because of his all-consuming love for you.”

“All-consuming love!” and her eyes blazed with indignation.  “All-consuming, all debasing, low passion; not love.  No, no; love is a sacred thing, whose divine name is polluted when uttered by such lips as his.”

“Be reasonable, ma Marie; don’t suffer hastily formed dislikes to sway your judgment and good sense.  There is not a girl on all the prairies who would not be proud to be wooed by Monsieur Riel.  Wherefore should you not be?  If you have any other affection in your heart banish it.  It may be that you have cherished a tender regard for the young man Scott, who is, let me see what he is, who is ready and gallant—­no, that is not it—­who is quick, and brave, yes, I think that is it——.”

“Mon Dieu; cease, mon pere.  Has this tempter gone so far as to actually put in your mouth the words to be employed in winning me to his hateful, loathsome arms.  Mon Dieu, Mon Dieu;” and she pressed her little brown fingers over her throbbing temples.  Has my own father leagued himself against my happiness and, and—­my honour!” And, with a loud, heart-rending cry, she fell to the floor, pale and motionless.

“Is she dead!  Mon Dieu!  Ma chere fille, speak to me.”  And then raising her death-pale head a little, he poured some of the spirits into her mouth.  This restored her, but there was an almost vacant look in her eye for many minutes, which wrung his heart.  “Sit up my pet and we will talk together.  I will no longer play the inhuman monster by disguises and deceit.”

“Then you will be frank?” she said, her eyes brightening.

“I swear it.  Now this man has conceived a violent passion for you, and I am to press his suit, to alienate your affections from Monsieur Scott, if you entertain such feelings, and to win you over to Monsieur Riel.  He is to visit us within a brief period, and when he comes he will expect me to be able to report marked progress.  He will make a second visit, and he has sworn that triumph alone will satisfy him then.  If things fall not out in this wise, I am promised his vengeance.  He declares that our intimacy with young Scott, and the visit paid us by the homme mauvais Mair, who is an unscrupulous agent of the Canadian Government, would justify extreme measures against us; and if I mistake not the man, his intention is to arm hundreds of our people, proclaim a martial law, and establish himself as head and judge.  I am certain that he would not hesitate to take the most lawless steps.  Indeed, I should not regard as safe either my own life or your honour.  Such then being the facts, what are we to do?”

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Louis Riel: the Rebel Chief from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.