[FN#28] We should not relinquish our endeavours at resuscitation under two or three hours, or even longer; and if ultimately successful, the state of the infant should be carefully watched for two or three days.
If a labour be long and tedious, the head and body of the child may be bruised and disfigured.
The shape of the head is frequently altered by the compression it has undergone, so that it may be elongated, and measure from the chin to the back of the head as much as six or seven inches. This always excites surprise, sometimes apprehension, in the minds of the attendants: there is no ground for it. It must be allowed to regain its natural shape without interference.
Tumours or swellings upon the head are very common. They arise from pressure upon the part during the labour. The only treatment that is required, or safe, is, freedom from all pressure, and the application of cold lotions composed of brandy or vinegar and water. The swelling will gradually subside. It will be right to direct the attention of the medical man to this circumstance.
The face may be frightfully disfigured from the above cause, exceedingly black, and the features distorted. Nothing is necessary here; in a few days the face will recover its proper appearance.
Occasionally an infant will not pass any urine for many hours after its birth. This most frequently arises from the fact of none being secreted. In the last case of this kind that I was called to, three days had elapsed since birth, and no urine had been passed; it proved that none had been secreted. Sometimes, however, it is the effect of another cause, which the use of the warm bath will be found to remove, which should always therefore be employed four and twenty hours after the birth of the infant, if it has not by that time passed any water.
It now and then happens, but fortunately very rarely, that some physical obstruction exists. It is always important, therefore, for the nurse to pay attention to the above point; and it is her duty to direct the attention of the medical man to the subject, if anything unusual or unnatural be present. The same observation applies to the bowel also; and if twelve hours pass without any motion, the parts should be examined.
At birth, or two or three days subsequently, the breasts of the infant will frequently be found swollen, hard, and painful, containing a fluid much resembling milk. Nurses generally endeavour to squeeze this out, and thus do great mischief; for by this means inflammation is excited in the part, and sometimes abscess is the result.
If the breasts are simply slightly enlarged, it is unnecessary to do any thing more than rub them occasionally and very gently with warm almond oil, and a little time will restore them to their proper size.