Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.
unto David.  And David did all that ever Saul bade him do wisely and prudently.  And when he returned from the battle, and Goliath was slain, the women came out from every town singing with choirs and timpanes against the coming of Saul with great joy and gladness, saying:  Saul hath slain a thousand and David hath slain ten thousand.  And this saying displeased much to Saul, which said:  They have given to David ten thousand and to me one thousand; what may he more have save the realm, and to be king?  For this cause Saul never loved David after that day, ne never looked on him friendly but ever sought means afterward to destroy David, for he dreaded that David should be lord with him, and put him from him.  And David was wise and kept him well from him.  And after this he wedded Michal, daughter of Saul, and Jonathan made oft times peace between Saul and David, yet Saul kept no promise, but ever lay in wait to slay David.  And Jonathan warned David thereof.  And David gat him a company of men of war to the number of four hundred, and kept him in the mountains.

And on a time David was at home with his wife Michal, and Saul sent thither men of war to slay him in his house in the morning; and when Michal heard thereof, she said to David:  But if thou save thyself this night, to-morn thou shalt die, and she let him out by a window by which he escaped and saved himself.  Michal took an image and laid in his bed, and a rough skin of a goat on the head of the image, and covered it with clothes.  And on the morn Saul sent spies for David, and it was answered to them that he lay sick in his bed.  Then after this sent Saul messengers for to see David, and said to them:  Bring him to me in his bed that he may be slain.  And when the messengers came they found a simulachre or an image in his bed, and goats’ skins on the head.  Then said Saul to Michal his daughter:  Why hast thou mocked me so, and hast suffered mine enemy to flee?  And Michal answered to Saul and said:  He said to me:  Let me go or I shall slay thee.

David went to Samuel in Rama and told him all that Saul had done to him.  And it was told to Saul that David was with Samuel, and he sent thither messengers to take him.  And when they came they found them with the company of prophets, and they sat and prophesied with them.  And he sent more.  And they did also so.  And the third time he sent more messengers.  And they also prophesied.  And then Saul being wroth asked where Samuel and David were, and went to them, and he prophesied when he came also, and took off his clothes and was naked all that day and night before Samuel.  David then fled from thence and came to Jonathan and complained to him saying:  What have I offended that thy father seeketh to slay me?  Jonathan was sorry therefore, for he loved well David.  After this Saul ever sought for to slay David.  And on a time Saul went into a cave, and David was within the cave, to whom his squire said:  Now hath God brought thine enemy into thine

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.