Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.
And hast run to robbery and done evil in the sight of God?  And then said Saul to Samuel:  I have taken Agag, king of the Amalekites, and brought him with me, but I have slain Amalek.  The people have taken of the sheep and beasts of the best for to offer unto our Lord God.  And then said Samuel:  Trowest thou that our Lord would rather have sacrifice and offerings than not to obey his commandments?  Better is obedience than sacrifice, and better it is to take heed to do after thy Lord than to offer the fat kidneys of the wethers.  For it is a sin to withstand and to repugn against his Lord like the sin of idolatry.  And because thou hast not obeyed our Lord, and cast away his word, our Lord hath cast thee away that thou shalt not be king.  Then said Saul to Samuel:  I have sinned for I have not obeyed the word of God and thy words, but have dreaded the people and obeyed to their request, but I pray thee to bear my sin and trespass and return with me that I may worship our Lord.  And Samuel answered, I shall not return with thee.  And so Samuel departed, and yet ere he departed, he did do slay [caused to be slain] Agag the king.  And Samuel saw never Saul after unto his death.

Then our Lord bade Samuel to go and anoint one of the sons of Isai, otherwise called Jesse, to be king of Israel.  And so he came into Bethlehem unto Jesse and bade him bring his sons tofore him.  This Jesse had eight sons, be brought tofore Samuel seven of them, and Samuel said there was not he that he would have.  Then he said that there was no more, save one which was youngest and yet a child, and kept sheep in the field.  And Samuel said:  Send for him, for I shall eat no bread till he come.  And so he was sent for and brought.  He was ruddy and fair of visage and well favored, and Samuel arose, and took an horn with oil and anointed him in the middle of his brethren.  And forthwith the spirit of our Lord came directly in him that same day and ever after.  Then Samuel departed and came into Ramah.  And the spirit of our Lord went away from Saul and an evil spirit oft vexed him.  Then his servants said to him:  Thou oft art vexed with an evil spirit, it were good to have one that could harp, to be with thee when the spirit vexeth thee, thou shalt bear it the lighter.  And he said to his servants:  Provide ye to me such one.  And then one said:  I saw one of Jesse’s sons play on a harp, a fair child and strong, wise in his talking and our Lord is with him.  Then Saul sent messages to Jesse for David, and Jesse sent David his son with a present of bread, wine, and a kid, to Saul.  And always when the evil spirit vexed Saul, David harped tofore him and anon he was eased, and the evil spirit went his way.

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.