Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.
Our Lord God hath anointed thee upon his heritage and ordained thee a prince, and thou shalt deliver his people from the hands of his enemies that be in the circuit and countries about, and so departed from him.  And Samuel after this gathered the people together and said:  Our Lord saith that he hath brought you from the land of Egypt, and saved you from the hands of all the kings that were your enemies and pursued you, and ye have forsaken our Lord God that hath only delivered you from all your evil and tribulations, and have said:  Ordain upon us a king.  Wherefore now stand every each in his tribe, and we shall lot who shall be our king.  And the lot fell on the tribe of Benjamin, and in that tribe the lot fell upon Saul the son of Kish.  And they sought him and could not find him, and it was told him that he was hid in his house at home, and the people ran thither and fetched him and set him amidst all the people.  And he was higher than any of all the people from the shoulder upward.  Then Samuel said to the people, Now ye see and behold whom our Lord hath chosen, for there is none like him of all the people.  And then all the people cried:  Vivat Rex, live the king.  Samuel wrote the law of the realm to the people in a book, and put it tofore our Lord.  Thus was Saul made the first king in Israel, and anon had much war, for on all sides men warred on the children of Israel, and he defended them, and Saul had divers battles and had victory.

Samuel came on a time to Saul and said God commanded him to fight against Amalek and that he should slay and destroy man, woman, and child, ox, cow, camel and ass and sheep, and spare nothing.  Then Saul assembled his people and had two hundred thousand footmen and twenty thousand men of the tribe of Judah, and went forth and fought against Amalek and slew them, sauf he saved Agag the King of Amalek alive, and all other he slew, but he spared the best flocks of sheep and of other beasts, and also good clothes, and wethers, and all that was good he spared, and whatsomever was foul he destroyed.  And this was showed to Samuel by our Lord, saying:  Me forthinketh that I have ordained Saul king upon Israel, for he hath forsaken me, and not fulfilled my commandments.  Samuel was sorry herefor, and wailed all the night.  On the morn he rose and came to Saul, and Saul offered sacrifice to our Lord of the pillage that he had taken.  And Samuel demanded of Saul what noise that was he heard of sheep and beasts, and he said that they were of the beasts that the people had brought from Amalek to offer unto our Lord, and the residue were slain.  They have spared the best and fattest for to do sacrifice with unto thy Lord God.  Then said Samuel to Saul:  Rememberest thou not that whereas thou wert least among the tribes of Israel thou wert made upperest?  And our Lord anointed thee, and made thee king.  And he said to thee:  Go and slay the sinners of Amalek and leave none alive, man ne beast; why hast thou not obeyed the commandment of our Lord? 

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.