The first commandment that God commanded is this. Thou shalt not worship no strange ne diverse gods.
The second commandment is this, that thou shalt not take the name of God in vain, that is to say, thou shalt not swear by him for nothing.
The third commandment is that thou have mind and remember that thou hallow and keep holy thy Sabbath day or Sunday. These three commandments be written in the first table and appertain only to God.
The fourth commandment is that thou shalt honor and worship thy father and mother, for thou shalt live the longer on earth.
The fifth commandment is that thou shalt slay no man.
The sixth commandment is, thou shalt not do adultery.
The seventh commandment is that thou shalt do no theft.
The eighth commandment is that thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
The ninth commandment is that thou shalt not desire the wife of thy neighbor, nor shalt not covet her in thine heart.
The tenth commandment is that thou shalt not covet nothing that is, or longeth to, thy neighbor.
These be the ten commandments of our Lord, of which the three first belong to God, and the seven other be ordained for our neighbors. Every person that hath wit and understanding in himself, and age, is bound to know them and to obey and keep these ten commandments aforesaid or else he sinneth deadly.
Thus Moses abode in the hill forty days and forty nights and received of Almighty God the tables with the commandments written with the hand of God; and also received and learned many ceremonies and statutes that God ordained, by which the children of Israel should be ruled and judged. And whiles that Moses was thus with our Lord on the mount, the children of Israel saw that he tarried and descended not, and some of them said that he was dead or gone away, and would not return again, and some said nay; but in conclusion they gathered them together against Aaron, and said to him: Make to us some gods that may